Needed a rant! sorry!


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2012
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Hiya, so here goes my rant lol. This month I feel like a large lump of dog poo and these are the reasons why...

1, My 16 yr old son went to live with his Dad. I'll be honest its probably a blessing in disguise as he is a little bleeder and for a while now he has caused me so much trouble with his attitude, very bad behaviour at school etc. All said and done though, I cried myself to sleep for a good few nights and pretty much had a constant migraine from how upset I was for about 3 days.

2, OPK's! I just dont understand them! for 3 months now I test when Im supposed to and I pretty much get 2 red lines for about 3 days a month. At no point do the lines look darker, they always just seem to remain about the same colour. Im throwing them in the bloody bin next month I swear lmao.

3, Sex! Damn I used to love it so much, me and my OH have always been so horny for each other yet since TTC all thats gone out the window. Its got so bad this month that twice he has struggled to mantain an erection, Im sure its all the pressure of TTC and knowing he must peform on specific nights a month. I feel angry, guilty and sad making him feel this way and I have stopped mentioning when we should have sex and instead just kinda forcing myself on him LOL.

4, Money! Im so bloody skint! My OH lost his job in January and since then we have struggled to find work. We actually spoke about putting TTC on hold until we are more financially secure again but we decided that we should carry on as times ticking and we hope to find work again soon.

Im not posting this to grab attention btw lol. I just really needed a rant. TTC this month with how I feel is going to be virtually impossible Im sure! Its just awful how it makes you feel, it takes over your life and everything I do, feel or think brings me back to TTC. Even when my son left, during my anguish I remember having a fleeting thought "I cant get stressed out, I need to be calm for my egg!" but still, if stress stops you getting pregnant then Im already out this month :(

Oh well, rant over, must go to sleep I suppose gotta be up in 6 hours.

Sorry again ladies, I understand if you cba to respond to this thread as there are really no questions here, just needed to vent and I couldn't possibly post this onto my facebook wall!

Lots of love, luck and babydust to you all xx
Aww honey

You totally deserve a rant, and probably feel better for it, so rant all you like!

I'm new here, so don't have any magical advice. Just wanted to give you a virtual hug :hugs:

Hope you feel better soon x
Poor you hun hope you are feeling a little better today. Sometimes you just have bad days where you feel its all going against you. Chin up you will get your bfp soon.

Michelle. x
I hope u feel better soon. Is there anything u enjoy doing that might relax u and not cost much? For me it's going off with my dog for a long walk somewhere pretty! Or out on the bike or baking or reading a good book. Catching up with a good friend or giving urself a manicure! Just some 'me' time every so often xxx
It does you good to have a moan, or just to get it all down, like sharing your stress - and were all here to listen, cause we like a chat and understand..

I have a rude and smelly 13 year old lad, who has been like a tean for 3 years now, so understand that one, it's a really hard stage on parents too - maybee some time with his dad will make him see it's not all nagging mum, but his dad will soon have to do it too, you may come up smelling of roses, and while he takes a break from home, you can take a break from the stress.

OPK's , are they the cheep ebay ones? I never get conclusive lines on them, just a few days of medium, so don't learn much from them. I think some ladies use them to get an idea of surge, and then when they think they have surged, use a more expensived smily clearblue dig one to confirm there thoughts.

I found it more useful to look out for Cervical mucous changes actually and that did tell me when I ov'd. Check it out on google

Money - Hope oh gets a new job soon, it's a juggle isn't it, but something will come up, like you said, shame to put ttc on hold, pregnancy is such a long thing anyway, that your bound to be in a better situation when a baby arrives.

Sex - This is a big issue for people ttc! It just takes all the fun out if it. Try to change things up, keep OH on his toes, and things will pick up or get back to a more normal. I agree youv'd been doing it right to stopl telling him when the big ov day is, mine used to get stage fright too!! You could try random, times, the sexy underwear one, the pouncing on him one, the not giving him sex, and then he will instigate more and "oh alright then! ". Try to make sure you have nookie at others times, so he can't work out the sudden 4/5 days of nookie!!

Good luck and hang in there X
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Wow ladies I wasn't expecting anyone to post on my nagging thread! Ive actually got tears in my eyes reading them, thanks so much for taking the time to respond, it really means a lot to me.

I did the garden today to take my mind off everything, weird how the lawnmower and snips can make you forget everything for a while lol.

I also received a txt off my son telling me he loves me today which made me extremely happy, hopefully he will realise how easy he had it with me and how good to him I have always been, bloody kids eh, they always think the grass is greener.

As for my OPK's, they wasn't cheap ones, kinda mid range. I think it's me though tbh, Im the worlds worst line spotter as I have extremely bad eyesight after suffering detached retina's in both eyes a few years ago, but hey thats another story! I won't bore you with my misfortune anymore than I already have lol.

Also as far as the sex goes I went to bed last night and told him if he wanted to wake me up with a "suprise" he was more than welcome... and to my delight I got a huge surprise at 3 am lmao! Thats how Im going to do it now, just try and relax and not force him, if I make him think he is initiating it then it might help. I don't think it helped last month after sex when I said "mission complete" and laughed! He wasn't to happy about it, but I was only joking rofl. Men eh, cant live with em, cant get pregnant without em :p

Thanks again for your kind words xxx
hey hunny massive hugs seems like everything got on top of you a little bit its ok it happens to us all :hugs: glad to see you seem a little brighter today
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Hey hun,

I dont have any real advise for you just wanted to say, rant away!! i think i speak for every1 when i say nobody minds, we've all had a good rant or 2 on here!

The opks, i dont usually get very strong lines on mine either, they usually get as strong as the control or 1 side of the line is as strong, so i confirm it with a smilie clearblue.

As for the son, i have all this to look forward to no doubt! I have a 9 year old who sometimes thinks he's 19!!

Good luck with ttc x x x

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