Needed a bit of a break

Lulla Bell

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
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Ive been away for a week, I needed some time off after AF got me so early this cycle.
I thought it was going to feel , after having 14 day cycles for the last 5 months, this month it was ' 6 days late' I thought id cracked it and was going to go back to my 28 days again!
but alas no!
Any who
I just finished AF It was a heavy 6 day one this time which is unusual. I finished it yesterday and I've just got a blazing positive on a opk!
What does this mean? Surely My womb lining wouldn't be thick enough to implant,
even thought my af are so heavy ?
Anyone experienced this before?

All this tcc is starting to get too much
I decided to go out Saturday night, I was having a great night until the bar lady announced To everyone she was pregnant , after a month of trying, she then had a glass of wine and a fag!
I as so upset I walked out and cried all the way home!
Im starting to think Ill never get pregnant!
I just want to be a mum more then anything :(
Hey lulla,

i cant give any advice on the OPK but i know how you feel. im on month 13 of trying with cycles going from 27 days to 67 with no indication of when anything is happening. All around me friends and work pals are getting pregnant either within a month or by accident. *huge hugs* so i know how you feel. its a joy isnt it?
I haven't experienced this sorry lulla but I just wanted to say I'm really sorry you're finding it hard. I guess we just have to keep having hope that it will be our turn soon too!
Thanks ladies, I know I'm not the only one out there thats going through it, I just don't have any friends that are so it feels a bit lonely.
Im just waiting to hear back from the doctors, for an appointment.
Its a two week wait :( xx
Hugs Lulla. I could sit and cry some days as well.. It's really hard to hold yourself together when you feel like you're surrounded by pregnant people and babies.

I feel like I'm the only one at the moment as well. Everyone else is either not planning a baby or has a baby (or two!) xxx
All this tcc is starting to get too much
I decided to go out Saturday night, I was having a great night until the bar lady announced To everyone she was pregnant , after a month of trying, she then had a glass of wine and a fag!
I as so upset I walked out and cried all the way home!
Im starting to think Ill never get pregnant!
I just want to be a mum more then anything :(

Lulla that's horrible! Good grief. People are rubbish.

I hereby give you all of my ration of baby dust for this month. *throws glitter into the air*
Aw thanks ladies! I just think its been harder these last few months because I'm having random short cycles, and there is nothing i can do to stop it, I don't think oh knows how frustrating it is when its your own body preventing you from getting pregnant! Baby dust to you all too! xxxxxx

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