Need to let some air out!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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Sorry girlies but I need a good old moan!

I am in so much uncomfort at the moment and I dunno what to do. My pelvic area, top of thighs and bottom of back ache so much, I can't move without feeling like I've broken something. My feet are so swollan and throbbing, I am so tired!

Junior is in such an uncomfy area, under my ribs to the right, he won't move, my hubby rubs there gently, he'll move but seconds later will come back. I tried rocking back and forth on all 4's but I have a problem getting down there, I tried the cold drink, he kicks me but doesn't change position.

I have such bad trapped wind in my back at the left, I need a poo and I can't go! I am hungry but because of his position, it's making me feel a tad sick. I am also coming down with a cold, which is making my ears go all funny..............I had an outter ear infection a few years back and ever since then, colds go straight to my ears.

Our car broke down and we have to pay out 250 pound to have it fully fixed, I need to pay the deposit the end of this month for our new apartment, I haven't got everything for the baby yet and I am so worried we will run flat broke! My husbby can also face deportation as the Cypriot government are sh*ts and would rather not help, even when he comes under my protection as EU now.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I think I need a big hug from my mummy but she ain't here!

And breathe............................. :(
Aww, Josephine-Beth - even though you feel "rubbish", you look fantastic! But of course you must be feeling miserable, with all that discomfort, not to mention the money worries and about your husband's status.

Are you British? Are you claiming everything that you're entitled to? I mean, I thought you could claim whatever benefits you were entitled to claim in Britain from any EU country? Does this also apply to the surestart maternity grant? It would be great if you could get that from Cyprus! But probably not?

It's awful that, when you're just managing to get by with what little money you have, something happens like the car breaking down (or the washing machine or whatever) and that throws you way off track. It's awful, but it's typical. Is there anyone who could give you some money? If any friends or relatives were going to give you something for the baby, perhaps you could ask them - or get your parents to ask them - to send you money instead? I know it seems cheeky, but if you really need it....people tend to like to feel helpful and if they knew that you were really struggling, would probably be glad to be able to help you. I know I'd rather send money to a friend who needed it than waste money buying the baby an outfit.

I'm sorry I'm not able to give you any real advice. We're starting to get into the really big and uncomfortable stage (us 32wk+ mums-to-be) and there will be days when you just want to have a good old moan about it. Even have a cry and wish for your mum. It's perfectly normal and I'm sure we've all done it. I know I have!

I hope that you're feeling a bit better soon. It sounds like you have a loving, attentive husband there anyway. :)
Yep, being british I am entitled to maternity pay for 4 months, I have applied for it but I had to wait for the start of my 32nd week before applying and it can take 2 months to start receiving it grrrrrrrrrrr.

It turns out that today, my uncle called to say him and my other uncle have put some money together and they are sending it over as a present to start getting more baby things. Half will pay for the car, the other half, baby stuff that we can not go without.

My bessie friend over here has been a shining star and handed me down things like her baby crib, baby changing unit, newborn clothes and clothes for and up to a year old, toys, anti colic bottles that she no longer uses and such. Her son is 17 months old, so these things are in a good condition and help. I just need tog et a moses basket and sterilizer etc but Cyprus is so pricey! However, next week another 50% sale starts in some of the maternity stores, so that should cover it.

My hubby can be a pain the arse at the best of times but I think when he knows I really am down etc, he is my hero!

Thank you for your post, it is lovely to read xx

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