Need to get him on toilet!! HELP!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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My son is still in nappies and he is 3 years and 4 months old. He is the ONLY child in his nursery class still in nappies and nothing I try works!!

I had my daughter trained when she was 2, but my son screams whenever pants are brought, we place him on the potty or toilet, and even us just talking about it upsets him!

Any ideas?!?!?!
have u tried the pee balls hun my son loved them
Haven't tried them yet as we can't even get him near the toilet!! He hates having his manhood out too and will only cover up with nappy, NOT pants!!
Aww hun, I am short on advice, but very long on sympathy so have some of these... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

My son had no trouble with peeing on the loo, but major efforts were a big prob and he wasnt really and truly housetrained until he was three and a half.

Have you spoken to your health visitor/doctor? I have never heard about a case like this, but they may have encountered it before.

He may be scared of the toilet, have you tried a potty? I was apparently weird as a lil one with strange toilets, my mum had to cart my potty everywhere til I was about four :oops:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Jessica was like that, refused to talk about it or do it and then one day we had a friend over and she used Jessicas toilet and that was it. It was all she needed to see and then she started using it.

She also went from nappies to being dry all night in 2 weeks.

Dont stress out though, it will come. :hug:

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