ARGH... help needed with potty training


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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My youngest is nearly 2 in june, im trying to get him to potty train yet he wont have it, he uses it as a toy, he does tend to sit on it and smile at me, but then gets off and pee's on the floor and just laughs, am i doing something wrong...
My eldest took to potty training immediatly and was dry within 1 week and dry through the night after 3 weeks.. was hoping bradley would follow but hes not intrested...
bradley moves up to big nursery in september and although he can move up in nappies i dont want him to,
i have no idea hun as B is on 17 months
but could u get him some of them nappys that make him feel wet wen he does wee wee
and maybe put him on the potty more reguarly and wen ur going toilet so he knows its ok and mummy does it to
stop trying and just leave the potty in a place where he can use it if he wants. Leave it a few weeks and then try again. don't be too pushy and praise him if he sits on it even if he doesn't do anything.
i had one who just would not even sit on a potty till she was 2 and half but one day she just didi it on her own accord and that was that.
i actually bought some of the spiderman nappies the feel and learn ones.. will keep you posted on how we get on
those feel and learn are crap if you ask me. just buy him some big boy pants and stick them on him. He will love that and feel if they are wet too.
cheers budge, i'll do that then, he does show intrest in a potty, and he kinda tells me when he has a pooh by putting his arms to his bum.. which is funny bless him... :cheer: thanks girls for the advice anyways
good luck! its something i hated - potty training! :doh:
Hi, I agree with all advice so far. Somthing else I did for daughter which will be controversial but worked for her. Everytime she did something in potty she was allowed to take a sweet from box (1 chocolate button or rainbow drop button). This really worked with daughter because she loved sweets. HTH

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