need tips on sleeping urgently!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hi girls how are you all,
i was just wondering if any of you have some tips getting comfy at night time now you all have bumps,
i cant lie on my belly as its slightly uncomfortable and she kicks like mad,

i lie on my side with a V shaped pillow under my side and inbetween my legs to stop the pressure of the leg ontop to my bump

and on my back but with it slightly propped up coz i dont wanna squash that artery thingi lol

i just cant sleep and im so so tired.... oh i also pee about 4-6 times a night :(

i go into tri 3 on sunday argghhh :( im nervouse!!!!

thanx for reading girlies :)
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no tips hunny but just wanted to pop in and say hi :wave: hope ur well xxxx
hiya hun im good thanx besides the obvious lol.
wow 21 weeks already gosh thats gone so fast!!!
hope all is well :) xxx
my mums OH saw one of those pillows in Lidl and picked it up for me £9.99!!! xx
It's pretty big tbh hun. It just has a plastic cover over it so was quite awkward to carry. xxx
I have a lot of friends that swear by body pillows - ive seen them in argos. Thye are just long pillows that you can rest bump on and tuck between your legs is nessacery.
It's pretty big tbh hun. It just has a plastic cover over it so was quite awkward to carry. xxx

Managed to get it ordered into my local store to collect next week :)
That's great hun, let me know what you
I do have a bit of a struggle to find a comfortable sleeping position, I can't sleep without hugging a pillow at the moment and puting it between the legs. But can't complain I still sleep quite well through the night, without even going to the loo ( I'm 26weeks tomorrow). But do wake up with a back or hip pain sometimes ( in the morning).
I got a pillow from kiddiecare, its a bit hard though :( but can be used as something for my prince to sit in when hes older x
thanx girls :) im still not sleeping well i can only get compy on one side and then i get pins and needles in the arm im leant on so thats it for me all night then lol :( o well only 13 weeks left :) i hope x
Custardcream I think we have the same pillow, it says on the packaging that its for sleeping, nursing and support for mum during pregnancy but its solid like a rock and is way to hard to sleep on/with. not impressed it was £22 from Asda! As you say at least it should be good to prop baby up with and use for nursing.

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