Need someone to talk to .. please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2007
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I need someone to talk to im sat here in tears.
Im goin away tomoz.
Me n OH jus got 2 ma cousins (we stayin ere the nite coz of leavin 4 airport earli in mornin) n just as we was gettin outa the car he had a txt on his fone, i thought it was my cousin askin where we was so i read it. It was someone sayin somethin like 'i cant wait, im layin here in bed wishin u was here' etc. he did send a txt bk, sayin think u got the wrong number enjoy ur weekend or somethin along those lines.. now im so scared that im losin him! What am i goin to do? I dont want to lose him, i love him so much, but bein scared that he's already cheatin n then seein that has made me so worried...
The number wasnt saved in his phone which makes me kinda think that this person has got the wrong number but i cant get the feelin out of me that he is cheatin.
I cant leave him as i have no where else to go.

We had an argument aswell last nite n nearli broke up... over somethin stupid (my panic attacks and him not helpin me when i needed him.. he said he was tryin to be 'cruel to be kind')

Please someone help me.. im goin crazy over this!
Aw hun i'm sure your just being a bit paranoid, i get like that sometimes but then we talk and he makes me see that i'm being silly and he'd never leave. Have you tried talking about this to him?
Ive spoke to him about it before n he jus says that he wouldnt do that n he loves me n that n that he cant wait for baby to be born etc.
But the thing is tht txt.. i was alrite till i saw tht n now its set me bk off again!
I cant stop cryin :cry:
hi hun

Hope your ok. Here if you wanna chat PM anytime.

Sending you lots of hugs :hug: :hug:
oh hun :hug: i'm not really sure what else i can suggest right now apart from just try your very hardest to get it out of your head that oh is cheating or is leaving you as you said he tells you he never will you need to listen to him. I'm sure the hormones don't help either!! :roll: I hope you get this sorted soon so you can stop worrying and relax before baby comes. lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: X
Ta hun. Don't help that im goin away tomoz mornin n he guna b on his own for a wk n if he is doin somethin he got plenty of time to spend with her
Maybe when you get back you could go away just you two it might do your relationship good, a fresh start ready for baby. But i really am sure that it is the hormones and in a day or two you will be able to look back and see how silly you were being. Hope you sort things out. Let me know how you get on, i'm here if you need to talk some more when you get back.

Take care, have nice timeXX :hug:
aw hun :hug:
dont get stressed out, try and get it out of your mind for the week
as you say it was probably just the wrong number
im always here if you want to chat when you get back :hug:
Hiya huni, sorry i didnt see this until now, i hopeyour all sorted and your feeling much better about things..

have a good holiday :hug:

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