Can someone HELP me plz!!! jus need a few sudgestions!!

lil_miss123 said:
well im 18 and i found out that i am about 7 week pregnant! i told my boyfirend who is in the army, and well at the moment iraq n hes not goin to be home for another month but thats only for two week then goin back out for a about 4 month.

i told him last night and e was really shocked and suprised, but told me that he wants children but no at this moment in time. he sed he would would prefer me to get rid of it, but i dont think its right but he did say he would stick by me what eva i chose to do.

but i dont no what to do i feel like im on my own!! n hes all the way over there so im gunna have to do everythin all by myself! i jus dont no what to do!

HELP!!!! :(

I'm sure things will get sorted out between you and you will both make the right desicion for you. You can do it though hun, whether he's over there or here, don't ever think you can't, there are people who can help you!! One thing I will say though is don't make any irational desicions straight away, it will take time for your OH to get used to the idea
Midwife appointment - on my first appointment which was at 8 weeks (I was late apparently and it should have been about 6 weeks?) all I had to do was answer a load of questions, and you'll get given this green booklet that you have to carry around all your appointments with you. They talk to you about picking a hospital so they can book you in for your first scan, they go through things you should and shouldn't eat, and yours and your partners families health so they know if theres a chance of anything passing through to your baby. Gives you a chance to ask any questions too. Mine has told me about workshops near me - I have a labour workshop and a breast feeding workshop available to me, which is sort of cool.

I bought a book called Conception, Pregnancy and Birth by Miriam Stoppard but it didn't give me anywhere near as much info as I wanted. So I took it back and swapped it! The Pregnancy Bible by Anne Deans is much better. It's expensive at £22 but it's a one off and tells you everything you would ever need to know. SOmetimes I just find it so much easier having something to curl up and read in bed together than searching the internet for particular queries you have.
*leckershall* - i was looking at books yesterday n i saw the pregnancy bible and i thought it was a good book because it had everythin thin from start to finish also if ppl are recommending the book then it must be as good as i thought.

thanx for lettin me no!

im jus waiting for robert to come back see what he really thinks...
jus thought id let you all no dead exited coz my oh cums home in (((13))) days...soooo yeeeey i cant wait...n im havin ma first scan soon so ill post it on here for u all to so my lil treasure...if i can figure out how to do it...

anyways speek soon, and take care

:hug: :hug: :hug:
awww congrats darlin i bet you cant wait i can remember when DF only had a few days left till he was home i was dead excited - cant wait to see scan either chick xxxx
whats another good thing robs goin to be here for the scan so thats also gr8 :D but il let u all see hope all goes well and everythin is allright
hes home and ive had my first scan he/she looks soo well....and the look on my oh's face when he saw the lil baby moving and to see the heart beat was the best....

im sooo happy
love you all
ma lil one

Glad you OH went to the scan what a great , clear pic :)
im 15 week and 1 day and i love that piccy...u can see loads on it...
it dose your right....i got my second scan soon and my boyfirend has gone back now so im a lil upset...

but thats how it goes
hey, same thing happened for me and my boyfriend, he got quite upset about me keeping it, but he's fine about it now, and he never lets me forget he's gonna stick by me :)

glad it worked out, guess it was a shock for him eh :wink:
Hi babes, im thrilled you made the right choice for you and your partner, men run scared ab it when they find out there guna be dads! Im really pleased for you both.
At your firstr appoitment they will just book you in and ask you the date of your last periodetc, all a bit borning im afraid till you hit those double figures mark!

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