need some support ...tokophobia (fear childbirth) deciding to try and do it without c


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2012
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Hey beautiful mamas! I am 29 and pregnant with my first bundle! This was a total surprise as we were not trying. Married for 6 years so all very happy about it none the less. However, since a child I have had an overwhelming pathological fear of childbirth. If I watch birth shows I have fainted or got clammy and had to lie down with a panic attack. Getting a pap smear makes me faint and my bp drops.

I could under the NHS guidelines get counselling and push for a c section and would probably be given one according to several midwives. However, I am terrified of death and so being in an operating theatre may be just as bad.

How hard will labour be? I need some encouragement that i CAN do this.


A very worried anxious mummy to be
I think either way being natural or a section hun you need support for your thoughts and triggers. Maybe cbt or counselling? I would push for someone to talk to and some support xxxx big hugs xxxx hope you manage to get some help xxx
You can do it hun.
I think once it starts you just get in the zone and go with it.
What about some hypnotherapy?

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Speak to MW, or phone NHS helpline and speak to them.
They'll have come across other people with the same fears, and will know best what to suggest, in terms of natural/c-sec etc.

Sorry, that's all I got... X
As hard as itd be best thing is keep calm.and just go with it.
Operating theatres a scary place and they can be but jst try and be focused.
Really hope u find a way through x
I was petrified of giving birth, having said that it sounds as though I wasnt nearly as bad as you are but I actually found the whole experience so empowering. Once it's over and you have your baby in your arms you just feel amazing, YOU brought that baby into the world, YOU gave that baby life, YOU Are the superwoman who gave birth!!
Saying all that, I do think counselling or hypnotherapy or something may benefit you :)
Good luck toots, YOU CAN DO IT!!! :-D xxx
I'd try natal hypnotherapy, relaxation classes and consider hiring a doula for support. Also look into very positive birthing experiences. I highly recommend a book called "birthing the easy way" which is amazing. Just remember: your body was made specifically for this very task when you take it back to nature. It's an amazing experience I hope you can get some help xx
WSS ^ I think although you might be scared your body will just go on complete autopilot and deal with it - it has no choice!! And like they said once baby is here I wouldn't say you forget completely, but you forget enough to try for another!! lol It is an amazing experience because of the reward at the end.
I have tokophobia too :-)
I still haven't decided wether or not to have a c section.
We went to hypnobirthing classes which has really helped. I was adamant that I was going to have a c section before this but now am not sure. I'd really recommend going along, I found it hard at first as I've always avoided anything to do with pregnancy and childbirth but I think the best thing to do is start trying to face it.

I was petrified about labour when I was pregnant with my son and wanted a c section, but didn't and so glad I didn't I found it easy and not scary at all. I started getting contractions and lay in bed cuddling my dog, they weren't even sore. A hour later my waters broke went to hospital and was 9cm dilated, and my son was here three jours later. I had no pain relief and was so proud of myself. If you relax it is so much easier. I'm hoping for another easy labour this time xx
Everyone is totally different... But my experience was loads more positive than I expected. I have been terrified too, I used to lay awake at night worrying about childbirth when I was not even pregnant, couldn't watch childbirth on tv, just terrified me. However when I became pregnant I shut the thought away somehow, just went with it...
My labour was just amazing, it didn't hurt half as much as it I thought it would and I'm not kidding you... It just carries you away, you really do do what you need to and our bodies are designed for this :) I was amazed how easy it was. I know I had it easy, but, they aren't all bad that's what I'm trying to convey
My 'pain' was just pressure, to push relieved the pressure, to push meant baby come. You do what you gotta do, fear or no fear.
Now I haven't had labour myself and don't have this scary condition, but I have had 4 c-section births, and I would say it may be better to seek support to address the fears , control how you respond and handle the situation, with help from your etc. I wouldn't have said a C-section was any better. I always get nervous, operating theatres are full of people and the control is taken out of your hands. I would have thought that control of the situation would be something you would strongly want if you have this issue to reassure you.

Do try to talk it through fully with midwife, they must have had other ladies with this phobia, and maybee they can let you know how they got on... handled things..

Although you say you have a hard time watching these birth programes, and I know it's not on the same level as your phobia, but when I'm scared of something, I tend to stick my head in the clouds, pretend it's not happening and not want to know anything about it, when on reflection the more I know, the more in control I feel, the happier, more relaxed, more confident I feel going into something, like with my ivf in the summer. May be worth a try, less fear of the unknown this way.

Oh and epidurals are fab....

Good luck X
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Cbt us fab, I would recommend it to help deal with phobias x

My fat fingers can't spell! x
I suggest you look into Hypnobirthing. It's fabulous. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I was terrified of giving birth. I did the Hypnobirthing classes, practiced at home myself and I had a wonderful experience. Look at the Marie Mongan method. Best wishes x

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