Need some Advice please ladies


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2010
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hi girls

well to cut a long story short i left my OH 3 wks ago reason being i have had enough of his ridiculous behaviour - condesenading, insecure, manipulative & controlling
as much as i love him he was making me miserable & depressed & i could no longer cope until he saw his wrongs and turn himself around for our family.
i left london & travelled back up north to see my friends & familya.
he seemed to see his flaws and promised to work on things and a wk later i went to see him at first he was being awkward & had basically convinced himself i was going back althaaoaugh id made it quite clear i would be staying with a friend, we ended up having a lovely time together went for our babys 13wk scan & I went back up north all was well
i actually thought a corner had been turned ive been away for almost 2 weeks now everything has been fine until yesterday
iwas due to pick up a coach back to london & i missed it due toa an accident on the main road to the station this did not ago down well with my OH, he basically tried to say i was stupid & staged the whole thing he got me so upset i told him i wasnt going home to him & ive come back to my mums. i understand he was looking forward to me & baby comin home & was upset but why react so nastily to a problem i couldnt have forseen

i just dont need it i feel so low today my head is up my arse i just dont know what to do for the best im scared to goa baack incase he pulls one of his hissy fits 50% is saying move back home near my mum & he can follow if he wants & the other 50% is saying go back & give it a go im so confused

I really feel for you :hugs:But from my experience a leopard never changes it's spots. It may seem like he can change, but I personally don't believe that someone like that CAN change. It is for the best that you don't get back with him, he seems like a bully and is playing with your feelings. Stay up north and be with the people who really care about you xx
thanks lulu i just feel for my poor baby going through this stress & he/she isnt even here yet u know i know he loves us so much but i actually think he loves us too much i just dont want to put myself & bubs in a vulnerable situation i need us to feel secure & happy more than anything. xx
Hi Dani, I can only sympathise with you, not on your exact situation but i'm going through a lot of issues on whether or not to stay with the OH. The stressing and worrying and how unhappy I am, isn't right and I'm worried it will end up affecting the baby. If you want a chat off the boards, I'm here as a sounding board, sounds like we both need one right now xxx
i would say move back near your family, you will be much happier surrounded by love and help than constantly worrying.....and if he really does want to change and really does want to be with you and the baby, he can move to be closer to you
to be honest i doubt he will as generally people like that dont change, so thats why Id say you would be better moving away now

It sounds like you know deep down he isn't going to change and if he reacts that way and calls you stupid that is unacceptable, you're the Mother of his baby and deserve to be treated with respect. I would stay put up north with your friends and family x
Hi Dani, I can only sympathise with you, not on your exact situation but i'm going through a lot of issues on whether or not to stay with the OH. The stressing and worrying and how unhappy I am, isn't right and I'm worried it will end up affecting the baby. If you want a chat off the boards, I'm here as a sounding board, sounds like we both need one right now xxx

big hugs to you hun, its such a hormonal time as it is set aside the problems with our OH's!
i was away at the weekend at 1 of my best friends baby shower & it was so lovely & she's so happy with her OH & everything i think that set me off a little more & i feel like im driving my friends up the wall too
i ended up crying there after my barney with him it just spoilt my lovely weekend with my girls! to top it off my little sis has just gone to work in spain for the summer she only left yesterday morning & i miss her so much she has been my rock the last few weeks my baby is due 2 days before her 21st too.
this is supposed to be such a happy time in our lives and this upset is getting in our way of enjoying our pregnancy!
my mum is taking me to see a physcic tonight i actually feel it is what i need xxx
I feel the same. I'm of the mind that this is my first pregnancy, I should be enjoying it as much as possible and not arguing and fighting with the OH. But then I think am I just being unreasonable because it's the hormones. Then I get to thinking about the future and how different my life is going to be and I can honestly only see it getting worse down the line but then baby is here and it will be my number one priority, and things with the OH will just escalate into even more issues.

Big hugs and love to you. Hope the physic goes well. I used to go every week up til about 2 years ago, think I might go back and see how it goes :s xxx

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