Need quick teething help !!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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PLEASE help me, Iv had an horrendous week with all 3 of us having flu, aimee has been ill since last sunday with high fevers etc, she is just getting over the flu now but she is always crying,screaming or throwing a real temper rage & we have just realised her back molar tooth is breaking through, no teething rings reach it too help & she seems in so much pain with it.
Can anyone recommend anything to help it? I have given her calpol which helps a bit.
I do feel sorry for her but I really cant take much more of her crying, esp when I still feel cack myself.
Iv posted here in hope more people see it
Oh hun, sorry to hear you're all feeling poop :( I don't think theres an awful lot you can do but give her medicine (have you tries Nurofen or Medised? they might help better than Calpol?) try Dentinox or the teething granules, bicky pegs or cold carrot sticks etc may help for a bit or you massaging her gums, have tyou tried this teether? ... teeth.html
Apparently the Molars are the most painful teeth to emerge.
Give it a couple more days & if she's still really miserable I would take her to the docs to see if they can prescribe stronger medication.

Hope it gets better soon :hug:
hi i was also going to recommend the tommee tippee stage ones....and also frozen fruit etc...calpol and neurofen,..or calprofen and ashton and parsons powders are fantastic!

hope u all get well soon!
cas x
best thing is to give her medised to help her sleep and some calprofen to ake away the teething pain. i was told by my doc they can be given together on real bad teething days
and a tiptop should help my 2 love them
Thanks for the link, nik - im going to pop out now and see if i can get one. I had heard the molars are the worse, iv never seen her this bad.
Was really suprised it came through as they are usually the last teeth to come and she only has 7 others.
The only thing that worries me with frozen carrot or fruit is can they choke? i know its prob a daft question but i have a bit of a paranoia about choking!

DH has taken her for a walk so i finally have some peace ! ahhhhh
Duds said:
Thanks for the link, nik - im going to pop out now and see if i can get one. I had heard the molars are the worse, iv never seen her this bad.
Was really suprised it came through as they are usually the last teeth to come and she only has 7 others.
The only thing that worries me with frozen carrot or fruit is can they choke? i know its prob a daft question but i have a bit of a paranoia about choking!

DH has taken her for a walk so i finally have some peace ! ahhhhh

Finger foods are fine, esp at aimee's age, as long as you keep an eye will usually find they will just get chewed and sucked anyway...just give long sticks etc...otherwise you can get one of the baby safe feeders
aw bless poor love (her & you!)

we have that tommee tippe one and alex does seem to be bale to get it to his back teeth but has never really been big on teethers so not sure if it works or not :roll:

his molars are coming through too - seems to be all at once as well :? and i use bonjela teething gel - alex loves it and if he gets hold of the tube he brings it to me going mmmmmm and puts it in hand then puts my other hand on the lid to try to make me open it :lol:

hope she feels better soon hun

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