need help


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
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baby seems like dont want to breastfeed no more but aint giving up..he likes to drink from the bottle.. what should I do to make him go back on breast fully..I know its bit hard since he gets use of bottle. and its kinda my fault for not trying, I feel like i aint got enough milk..:wall2::wall2::wall2::wall2: I cant quit now, was hoping to feed him till he reaches 9months... do you think if I attend to breastfeeding support would help? any help?
I would defo recommend a BFing group, they are very supportive and helpful.

Maybe you could try lots of skin to skin? But always have faith in your body hun, you will aways make enough milk even if your breasts don't feel full baby will be able to get milk out. Make sure to drink lots of water too.

Good luck and hope things work out xxx
^^^^ wss. Lots of skin to skin and find out what support there is locally. My local bf group has been a great support for me bfing and its also nice to have a cup of tea and a chat with other mummies.
Good luck, you're doing great, we've all worried about amount of milk but your baby will get enough from you trust me.
Thanks ladies. There's one in my local every thursday definitely pay them a visit
Like what all the others said.
I had a bit of a battle with Esmé whilst bf. I was told to just keep offering her boob and don't offer her anything else.
Have you tried different bf positions?
This is going to sound strange but does he seem boob shy/not want the boob in public or when you are in a very busy place?
If so have you tried using one of the bf sling/blanket (sorry can't remember what its properly called, but it covers your child so discreet for baby and you. That night help.
Good luck with Thursday and hopefully you are back on the road with bf xx

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