Nov 9, 2006
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ok.. this mite be abit long, so sorry if it drags on abit, but me and my bf are in need of some serious advice...

ok, i was on the pill (minulet) when i fell pregnant with my daughter (she is now 13month). the drs said i must have had a reaction lookin at my rash on my bod. after she was born i tried the injection, the implant and other pills gave up because they wouldnt suit me so just went back to the minulet hoping it would settle and i would get used to it.
i went to new york to see my bf at uni on the 17th oct, my last period was on the 2nd of oct, and i had unprotected sex although we planned to use something, (my bf withdrew) sorry TMI! but came off pill on way home as i mised 1 or 2 on journey. i have not since had a period and my cycle is normally exactly on time, i have had spotting around the date of my due period for 1 or 2 days just a tiny bit, although im normaly very heavy for 7/8days, iv felt sick (sometimes all day), eating loads, very bloated, tired, weeing alot, cramps, just about everything really apart from getting a NEG test on monday.. (ok this gets confusing) i got the test where you pee in a pot and dip the stick, so i did that but didnt know how long to dip it for and went upto the MAXIMUM line then i wated for the line i got the first line and quickly got everythign together to put in the bin (this was in oldrids toilets! haha) anyway before i put the stick in i had a last look and saw another line but in the wrong place (it looked too low down near the plastic) so i guessed that was a neg and just quickly shoved everything in the bin even though i may not have waited long enough. since then iv been feeling the same, and worse! we wil be very dissapointed if we are not pregnant even though nothing was planned. so please could any1 shed some light for us please if u havent already fallen asleep! :-D thanks alot Jess & Tom
I would say there is definately a chance you are pregnant, you need to do another test hun, and wait the full 5 minutes before reading the result. Good luck! xx
i only waited a few min 3 at most ther was people wanting to use the loo! :wall:
If the hormone is very strong it will appear straight away, but I'd buy a clearblue hun - they are really reliable, or Boots own are pretty good, they are just like clearblue.
Hi Hun!!!

I'd say the same. Try another one and wait the full five minutes. And I cross my fingers for you :D
shal i wait 11 days for my bf to come home or wil i know for sure then? should i be showing or is it just bloatedness? coz it feels quite hard

wuold the pill ahve affected my period date?
LOL do what you feel is best mate, if you'd rather hi be there then wait, but if I were you I'd be dying to do the test! :lol:
do another test , and i think most of them dip them tests says hold it on for about 8 secs

good lcuk !
I am going through the same confusion with my pregnancy tests. The line was so low on the test that it was covered by the plastic lining but it was there! I am going to test again soon but I am just as unsure as you are-sorry I can't be more helpful.
Any news? Did you try another test?
It IS important to leave it for the time they say on the test, because if the levels are low (i.e. if it's still early days), then it can take a while to develop. Also- negative tests still early should be repeated a few days later if you still don't get a period.

On the matter of the line in the wrong place- that's a negative. The way the test works is that they "stick" tiny molecules to the test stick (molecules that will be recognised, and give a colour, only if there is HCG in your urine). They are put on by machine, and are in a clear line. If your line is not where it should be, or is not a clear line in the right direction- then it is not a positive line. (Some older ones are a spot, not a line- but the same applies- if the test says it should be a circle, then it should be a circle, in the centre).

Hope this helps, and that you post some news soon?

we're testing with clear blue on tuesday so i will let you know, thanks everyone.

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