Need some advice asap help me plz girls!!!


Dec 9, 2010
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im confused y cant i get pregnant me and my BF have bin trying for a baby for nearly 2 n hlf years now and not one symptom of being pregnant beginning tothink that theres something wrong with me ive bin the doctors n they sed theres nothing wrong my recent period had bin weird i came on on the 1/12/10 came off on the 7/12/10 im normally on for 5 days even now ive came off im still getting period pains and goin to the toilet mre than often wats goin on ????? HELP ME PLZ
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Welcome to the forum :-)

Sorry to hear about your journey, keep positive though as one of the girls on here has just found out she's pregnant & she's been trying for same amount of time as you so there's hope & light at the end of the tunnel for us all

The slightest thing can stop things from happening as well so I know it's easier said then done but try not to worry as this can play a part in things not happening

Do you keep tracks on your cycle lengths, when you ovulate etc? Any problems with your periods or cycles before?

A lot of us on here keep a track of our temperatures, use ovulation predicition kits so know when the best time to have sex etc

Hello - have you tried a test? Some people actually bleed in early pregnancy.... Going to pee a lot is a pregnancy sympton. Was your doctor really unhelpful? There is a section on here for long time TTCers maybe they can give you more advice.... Good luck!
Hi & welcome to the boards.

This is a great place to come when you're ttc, I've been here for about a year myself. As Kezza said, one of the ladies on here just got her :bfp: after trying for over two years.

What tests did you have done at the doctor? and how long ago was that? If it's been a while without any change it might be a good idea to go back, or even to try a different doctor if the first didn't do all the tests. There's a long-term ttc and assisted board on here where you'll be able to get more advice about things when you've been trying a little bit longer.

As Kezza said, it's useful to track your cycles as well. I've recently started using OPKs and that alongside charting helps me to pinpoint when I Ov quite well. I've also got a little notebook that I keep a record of any symptoms or changes in my body as the month goes on so I can see if there's anything different.

thanks for the encouragement i had i blood test to see if i was ovulating properly but they never got back to me dont realli know alot about all that stuff can u let me in on some info plz about when the best tymes to try etc plz
I think you need to chase your results up - they're important for you to know if there's anything unusual or that you need to know.

Also, have you tried ovulation kits? They will detect the surge of hormone that happens when an egg is released which will mean that is the best time to be having sex.

Perhaps it would be worth giving your doctor another visit - they should be able to advise you and help you - you might need to give them a bit of a kick up the bum though! x x
lol i never yried those kits but lots of people have told me that there worth it i think i mite change my doctors because they jus seem like the carnt b arsed is it a possibility that my tubes r blocked ????
To be honest you won't really know what's happening, if anything until you get checked, so if you do go back to the docs, you can ask for blood tests, ultrasounds etc and really make sure they do something to help you out.

Meanwhile, it might be worth buying some ovulation sticks, you can buy cheap ones on eBay or Amazon which a lot of people (including me) on here use. I've heard good things about the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor and it does look really good - I want one! They're more expensive but worth it. :)

The fertility monitor will help you track your most fertile periods etc and so will tell you when's the best time to concieve. ) x x
thank you for ur advise im guna look on ebay for one now lol
P.S. Don't buy them from Hong Kong, I've heard that they don't work properly? Not sure but someone bought theirs from a seller on ebay in Hong Kong and they were faulty.

There's a seller/shop on ebay called Fertility Plan which is where I buy my Ovulation tests, pregnancy tests etc from. I definitely recommend them, they are fast with delivery and cheap. :) x

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