Need help with my due date!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
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Right im really confused! When I first found out I was pregnant they told me my EDD was 21st Feb, when I went for my 12 week scan it moved to 23rd Feb but they put on my MatB1 21st Feb! My ticker is set at the 23rd Feb but im worried that if I go overdue they will start it from 21st as that is whats on my certificate. What one do you guys think I should go by? If its the 21st then I will have to change my ticker which will put me in third tri on friday. Im so confused!! lol

Thanks xx
:think: Hmmm I would have thought it would be the date they gave you at the dating scan but have no idea why they would put 21st on your matB1 :think:
Is it because its the week beginning, think my midwife said they put on that you are due the week beginning .... say sunday the 22nd of Feb? maybe your midwife started the week from Satuarday?? by mistake.

Think mine says im due the week beginning the 22nd of Feb, cant remember think I will have to look !
21st feb was my original date which they put on my pregnancy notes so I dunno if she just got it wrong and didnt see the 23rd when she wrote out my MatB1 im just worried for when I go overdue it doesnt really matter otherwise. Think Ill ask the midwife at my next appointment and see what she says I should be going by! Ill leave it for now lol
it's only 2 days hun aparently they don't change it if it's only a few days so i'd say go on the 21st (only know that from having my son) but if you want to go by the 23rd it shouldn't matter too much as it's only 2 days
When i went for my dating scan she said unless your EDD is more than a few days out they don't change it officially, so as it's only 2 days different i would stick with your original EDD as that seems to be what they are using on your notes as the official EDD?

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