Need help Please..confused !


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Firstly i am divorced,aged 38.I have 2 kids aged 18 & 13 .I do not currently have a partner.Tho i did up to about 2 weeks ago.
Wow this is difficult.
Anyway i had a period on 6th Jan 2009.
After i had finished i started taking the pill cerazette.Would have been say around 2 weeks later.
I know i had finsished period.
Then on the 30th Jan 2009. I got what i thought was another period .
It lasted 4 days as usual,but only this time i had some brown/darkish spotting at start & at end.
I do not know how long my cycle is but i would say around the 26-29 days mark.
Never irregular to a noticebale point.Which makes my period on the 24th day yes ?
I had intercourse on the weekend off 17/18th jan 2009

Now thing is there is something happening with me.
I know there are lots of you ladies here TTC & i really feel for you & i in no way wish to upset
anyone :hug:

Thing is now i am thinking it was implantation.
I dont have any pregnancy signs as such.I have more a catterpillar feeling in my stomach.
I know it sounds daft but that is the only way i can explain it.
My nerves are shattered.I just have this feeling something is going on.

I have spent many many hours looking all this up online & to be honest it confuses me.
One min i think implantaion,then next i think cos of my age,perhaps periods are irregular.

I just dont know what to do.
Should i continue taking my pill ?
When could i take a test ?

Thanks ladies & i am sorry if this upsets anyone :hug:
That doesn't sound like an implanation bleed hun, that normally only lasts a few hours not days and is just spotting. Also, IB are around the 10dpo, which would be too early.
I'd take a test now to see what it says and then just play the waiting game to see whether your period turns up again after your next course of pills.

I agree with Hannah. Take a test and see what happens. If it's positive at least you'll know one way or the other. Don't forget that the pill can sometimes mess up your cycles when you first start it so it could be that.
I agree with the others take a test, Like Chrissy says the pill can mess up your cycles.

Good Luck, I hope you get the results that you want :hug: :hug:
It will def be a good idea to take a test as soon as you can so at least it will end the "am I, arn't I." I do agree that it could be the pill. I was on the same one that you are taking and I often had spotting like you have described at odd times of the month. Good luck and I hope you get the result that you want :hug:

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