Need Help Expressing


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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My Mum's watching Evie on Thurs night for a few hours so me and Jamie can go out and i'm having a dilema! Lol!
I've expressed 7oz so far for her but it takes so long to get just 1oz! I've tried a TT electric pump, an Avent manual pump and tried by hand. The electric pump is most efficient but is bloody brutal at expressing! The manual pump is useless and doing it by hand is just messy. I'm at my wits end. I've passed on loads of nights out as I just cant be arsed to express. It's more effort than it's worth :-(
Can anyone give any advice please? Xx
Oh hon, feel for you. I have medela swing electric and it's pretty good, that isn't much help to you though! you have 2 pumps already! I express first thing in the morning-about 6am! seem to have much more milk then, maybe try that? also heard peopple say last thing at night too. I do it every am so OH can give LO expressed dream feed every night. You could always give a little bit of formula too? I did this when only had enough for 2 bottles of expressed and left LO with OH for the night. Good luck and hope you have a fab night x
Do you express one boob while the other is feeding? Ive heard that can be a good way. Apparently it takes a while to get a good amount out with expressing.

I found when I got out the bath and was all warm and relaxed was a good time. x
Thanks guys :)
Ideally I want to keep her off formula, especially as the only reason she'd be on it is so I can go out.
Expressing in the morning is when I get the most. I got 3oz this morning but it took hours. I've been pumping now for 15-20mins and i've only got 1/2oz, grrr! So frustrated! I don't even know if she'll take a bottle but at this rate I wont have enough expressed to try her out before Thurs. Sorry if I sound like i'm whinging, lol!
I was given the Avent pump and got the TT electric pump really cheap so if it means buying another pump (best be amazing!) then feel free to suggest some lol! Xx
i dont manage much with the tt electric but have an avent eletric and get 3-4oz in 15mins x
medela swing electric, really amazing, worth the huge 80 quid or somehting I spent. Get 5/6 oz in 10/15 mins...maybe worth a try??
i use tt manual pump and get 2-3oz in 15mins when i tend to get cramp in hand lol only advice is pump while feedin or have baby infront of you also warm flannel over boobs can encourage flow i express after a bath
my breast feeding specialist recommends expressing in the bath, aparently you get loads. Im selling my medula swing, it was fab! wont be able to get it to you in time for tomorrow tho :(
I recommend the Medela Swing also - amazing :) I could only get weeny amounts with a hand pump and it would take forever! xx
my breast feeding specialist recommends expressing in the bath, aparently you get loads. Im selling my medula swing, it was fab! wont be able to get it to you in time for tomorrow tho :(

how much do u want for your medula hun? i need a decent pump! x
Ive advertised it on netmums local board for £50 ONO. I stopped lacating pretty soon after I got it so its hardly used. Not sure about postage though? Im rubbish at working out how much things will cost. :/
Thanks for all your help guys. Got 8oz so far over the past few days. It's my own fault, this night's been planned since May so should really have been more prepared lol! Gonna try again whilst in a mega hot bath lol!
I've heard really good things about the medela, I was a cheapskate though! The TT electric pump was half price at £40 and then had a 25% discount code so actually saved £50 and got it for £30 lol! Savvy shopper me!
I'm going to express like mad tomorrow lol! We're only off to see a comedian a couple of miles away from home so worse case scenario i've told my Mum to bring Evelyn to come pick me up if she's kicking off and we'll go back for Jamie and my brother when it's finished. Should only be away for 4-5hrs max.
I'll have a word with Jamie about that pump of yours Tiny. We're pretty skint but I need a good pump if i'm ever going to get a night off lol xx
medula swing is fab, i found the tt ok, but wouldn't recommend for hardcore pumping. There is definately a reason why it seems to be permanently on offer xx
Thanks Tiny!

I had a FAB night! Was sooooooooooo funny! Highly recommend you all check Ross Noble out if you've not already lol!

After all my panicking, according to my Mum she only took 3oz and fell asleep at 8.30pm. She was still asleep when we got back! Typical!

Thanks for all your help my lovelies! xxx

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