Need help desperately


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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My oh is driving me up the wall. I really wanna get leo into a routine. He's been going to bed about 12.30-1.30 which is better than before when he'd go to bed about 2. But I wanna get him into a routine and been getting him bathed and in bed for 9 but then leo will wake up after an hour or two mainly to see if I'm there but then oh decides to bring him down and feed him or put him in his jumperoo then he gets all excited and just doesn't sleep. I've been trying to ht it into ohs head that he needs to start getting into a better routine plus I'm getting people treating me like a bad mum because of it and now I've taken to just saying what's going on but hen I get looks of well your his mum. I'm so peed off. I keep telling oh if you just stay with him and ignore him he gets bored and goes to sleep but oh feels bad and gives into him all the time. So annoyed just wish he'd just listen to me. Plus as were living at my mums and not married etc were sleeping in separate rooms so leandros with me and we haven't got his mattress yet cos oh said hell get it but his works been crap so I have to deal with him at nights and he's not the one that has his hair pulled and gets kicked for attention trig to get the baby to sleep. Im just at my wits end just don't know what to do. Sorry for the rant xx

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Oh goodness :( he needs to listen to you!
L/o is gonna need his routine defiantly. It can lead to all sorts of future bedtime arguments.
Can you not set a rule..... When he's in bed he doesn't get spoken to at all and is left ?? I have that rule and it's great. Your o/h has to learn its in leandro's best interests hun :hug: x
Oh hun, sorry things r so tough right now- I remember feeling similar a while back- everyone wouldn't listen to me when I'd say Ethan was tired and needed to sleep and play with him etc and then I'd have to deal with an overtired baby which is no fun at all! Leo is old enough to b getting into a routine and u r right with what ur doing- just gotta convince ur OH and explain that he's not helping the situation and isn't actually helping Leo! It's hard with ur living arrangements I'm sure but ur OH can't just keep playing with him when he needs to b asleep!! Perhaps u could sit down with ur OH and explain and create a bedtime routine for Leo together so that its a joint agreement? Hope things get better soon xxx
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Hope he listens to you soon! I supposed I'm lucky with oh only just moving back I already had a set routine! Not that he would ever get involved enough to try and change it!! Lol
Well today leos been in bed since 11:30 and that's been with a near argument. I gave him his bottle and it was in a closer to nature bottle which always tires him out so I use it for bedtime and he fell asleep with 1 oz left then oh came down and was like shall I take him off you and was about to put hin on the sofa which is another thing he does. Obv with the noise of tv he gets up but I was adamant he takes him up and he did and he's still fast asleep. Did get a bit of a dirty look though lol I've told him aswell that we need to sit down and sort this out I think he thinks cos he's a baby he shouldn't have any rules but he don't get that he's not the one who has to deal with him. Then he calls me evil for ignoring leandro when trying to get him to sleep. His way of getting him to sleep is keeping him on his chest. Swear leos gonna hate me when he's older. Bet ill be the stricter one and when ever I say anyhing it'll be but dad said ..... :-( xx

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:hug: My OH seems to think that if Albert doesn't drop off straight away it means play time. I had just settled Albert in his basket last night, went to the loo and came back to find OH playing This Little Piggy! I mean how can you play that when the baby is swaddled for a start :roll:. So they both got told off and we went to bed. I'm fighting to get OH to follow the routine, I know he works all day and doesn't see Albert as much as I do but does he want shorter quality time with a happy baby or longer time with a tired, cranky little screaming machine?
I think dads c their role as 'the playmate' at this age! Which isn't particularly helpful at bedtime!!!! They r all just big kids themselves afterall ;-) Sometimes its like having two children to look after!!!

Glad u got Leo to bed a bit earlier hun, just keep persevering- consistency is the key I think- with Leo and ur OH!! Xx

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