Need help & advice - suspected MC

Thank you so much girls. Well the worst was confirmed - a complete miscarriage and almost everything has passed - the rest will just take another day or two. I can't believe how long it takes from start to finish, that is over 10 days of bleeding now and 5 days of pain - so strange. I guess it may be better to happen naturally like that and didn't need any op. The lady at the hospital was so lovely, they really do care :( Just to take it easy for a few days now. Thanks for your concern & help, I could not have got through it without finding this site. xxxxx
Hi Raindrop, sorry to hear that :-(

Miscarriage is so so hard and almost a taboo subject, people won't talk about it. The one thing I needed to do was talk! This forum was amazing for that, it helped me so much to know I wasn't alone, other people were going through it too. It also helped to see ladies going on to have successful pregnancies after loss. The next few weeks might be a bit rollercoaster, one min I was fine, the next I would be angry that I wasn't pregnant anymore and thinking "why me? Why twice in a row" etc. gradually though, I accepted it as part of my history and started TTC again right away (I say TTC but not really properly - I'm going all out this month though! Hehehe)
Pm me if you need to talk xx
Big hugs, im glad you were treated well at the hospital xx
Thanks Robyn, the wee lady had worked there for many years - seen it all before I guess. Lozza sorry for your loss too and you are right, it helps so much to talk and read of other experiences on here, it happens so much but as you say no-one wants to talk about it. I think I am still in shock right now and dunno when it will sink in. I kinda knew what was happening but didn't want to believe it. The nurse said usually the next time your chance is very high of being ok but I think it would be terrifying to get pregnant again, every week you'd be worrying "what if it has happened again" so scary. At the mo I am still too sore to even think of it but will keep on the site and see what everyone's thoughts are, maybe in a few months...will see. I didn't take back the maternity stuff I had got in the sales, maybe another time all will be ok. Robyn hope all goes well with your pregnancy and will keep on the site so no doubt chat again :) Thanks for everything xxx
I am sorry this happened to you hon.

I miscarried last March at 11 weeks and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I wanted to try again but the time after that didn't work for me so I had to take a break.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get your sticky bean very soon and it all works out for you.

Thinking of you hon xx

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