Need help & advice - suspected MC


Active Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Hi All, first post here, all new to me, expecting first baby, should be 10 weeks however after some cramps and bleeding started I went for an internal scan and they could only see 5/6 weeks max. I was told to go home and take it easy and go back in a week to check progress but the cramps got MUCH worse - absolute agony and coming and going all through the night day and part of the next night. Also lots of blood. I think I have resigned myself to the fact that there is nothing there any more but they still won't see me back until Monday for another scan - surely this is too long to wait? Is this normal??

We were so happy as 39 and didn't think it would ever happen, had just told some key people the good news and now in complete shock, the hospital were nice about it but so busy, the dr couldn't see me and my first meeting with my midwife was cancelled as they were double booked??? I find it hard to get information anywhere, value your thoughts, still any chance at all or does this sound like a mc? It really was agony so prepared for worst so grateful if you can tell me truthfully thank you xxx
Hi raindrop, I'm so sorry this is a heartbreaking time.I'm afraid it does sound like an mc particularly with the 5/6 measurements.
The procedure does sound normal too, I'm afraid.
Of course there is always a chance that things could turn out ok, that's why they need to scan you again to be sure.
This place is a haven of support with many ladies that have had similar experiences, so you have come to the right place.
Oh Robyner thank you so much, that is all I wanted to hear. A small chance is all I need but it's the waiting that is so awful, and also the pain - much sorer than time of the month & very strange. What will be will be I know but it's just such a horrible time. I am not even sure I feel pregnant even more, wish Monday could come sooner :( Thank you & so glad I have found this website x
I will be thinking of you, let us know how you get on xx
I certainly will, thank you - although I think it may take a miracle to be good news.... xx
Big hugs. I have had a few chemical pregnancies and a still birth at 38 weeks.I'm 36 soon. I'm 20 weeks pregnant again, but I felt the same as you, that maybe it wouldn't happen again.
To give you some hope, you did get pregnant ( and it would be so wonderful if you still are )
And many ladies are extra fertile straight after an mc but it depends on the individual if they feel mentally prepared to try again so soon.
Oh how awful, when no one seems to want to help you it makes it so much worse when all you want is answers. I had a mc earlier on at 6weeks and the midwife was great over the phone and told me to go to a and e if I got any pain and excessive bleeding, maybe you could do that or if you don't feel you can a trip to the doctors where they could check your hcg levels would be helpful. But then again I suppose they wouldn't get the results until Monday. It's so horrible for you to be going through this, big hugs and if you ever need to speak to someone every single person on here is so nice and they all say comforting things xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thank you so much for your messages guys and SO sorry for your losses. I thought it didn't happen to anyone really and finding this site has been a real eye opener :-( Robyn I hope this time things work out for you, you really deserve it. Thanks also Katy Lou, you are right but lets see how scan goes on monday. In a way I feel like it's gone but in another way I keep wondering if there could still be a possibility that things may be ok, I keep going up and down and cant stop crying which I know isn't good for you but it's hard when you feel so low. Will keep you posted & thanks for advice xxx
I know. It's not often talked about but it happens ALOT!I saw a poster in my hospital epu that stated it happens in 1 in 3 pregnancies.
However it also goes well for people the majority of the time and there are also some miraculous stories too.
Fingers and toes crossed for another miraculous story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)
Absolutely Hun, please do update, we will be looking out for you. The ladies do get concerned when they haven't heard and will often follow up a thread to check all is well xx
Sending massive (((hugs))) x x x
When I was pregnant with my son who is now 3 I had bad cramps and bleeding and lent for a scan and as it was early they couldn't see a heartbeat so I went back 2wks later which was the longest 2wks in my life and that's when I saw the tiny heartbeat. Everything was fine. I recently had a mc and the cramps were awful and I bleed more than I have ever before. I also passed lots of clots and other things which was horrible.
Sorry to ask but have you passed anything?
All I would say is there is always hope :) I've been in both scenarios. I really hope for you everything is gd. You have come to right place for info, help and support. Everyone is great here.
Once again sending (((hugs)))
X x x
Thanks Robyn I will log on as soon as I get home don't worry. It is good to have you all here for me as it is a lonely time! Nicola thank you SO much - that certainly sounds hopeful :) you are the first person who has said they've had both bad cramps AND blood and all had been ok - phew. Sorry about your other mc though that is so sad. :( I haven't passed much at all although it is day 6 of bleeding (not so heavy now, more like time of the month) just passed one or two clots when cramps were at their worst (they only lasted 2 nights) but that has been all. I really don't know what to think, I guess only time will tell :( I never thought being pregnant would be like this and thought it was something that would just happen - it is nerve wracking to say the least. Thank you! xx
Really sorry you are having to go through this hun,sending big hugs:hugs:xxx
Really sorry you have to go through this. It is such a cruel thing. I remember the waiting bring the worst. Take care of yourself and your oh! Xxx
A little update before scan tomorrow - not looking good. More pain - and blood - day 9 now. Went to out of hours doc last night as almost couldn't take any more, got cocodemol - first night's sleep I've had... But dr agreed looks like a mc & although very early the huge cramps I had mid week were labour pains??? Horrific x
Oh hon, I am so sorry your are going through this.

Please please keep us updated. It is such a terrible time and we are all thinking of you x

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