Need Advice!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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Hello Ladies!!

Last month I was late (usually come on around the 9th of every month) and AF came on the 17th, this month I've still not come on or had any signs of it...

My symptoms are:
-Sore boobs and nips (not all the time)
-Tingling boobs
-Feeling nauseous
-Increased appetite, and dont feel full even after stuffing my face!!
-Hot flushes (much to the amusement of those I work with!!)
-Was sick last night and was wretching for ages
-My OH says I've been a ratty cow all week aswell!!

Should I wait abit longer to do a test or just get on and do it??

Baby dust to all!! ***
Thanks ladies xx
They are positive symptoms, do you know when you ovulated in your cycle? as that would give a better indicator of wether its too early to test or not xxx
Just done the test.....

A BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x
Congratulations hun thats a lovely xmas present xx
Congratulations! Great news at Christmastime :)
Great news!! Congratulations!!! :) xx
woo hoo huni congrats!! fantastic xmas news x x x
Just done the test.....

A BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x

Congratulations hun. xxxx

What a fab xmas present to get.

Robyn_mcl ive just noticed your from Glasgow, so am i.

Where abouts are you from as Glasgow is a big place.
Robyn_mcl ive just noticed your from Glasgow, so am i.

Where abouts are you from as Glasgow is a big place.

Hey! Lol I stay close to braehead shopping centre! Where are you? x x

Im from Clydebank, Just over the watter! PMSL

Ha ha!! so close! That really is over the water, i used to live in bishopton before but been in renfrew around 4 years now. How weird is that!!! LOL and i saw on other post you testing same day as me too!!! wooo!! EXCITING!!! how long have you been ttc this time? xx
Congrats babyem!! Ur symptoms are VERY similar to mine, do u know how many dpo u were when u got ur bfp? I'm dyin to test but know it's too early. I have zero patience!!! x
Ermm no to be honest.. I gave up monitoring and just did the bd when we felt like it! Same, I was meant to wait til saturday but caved in and tested yesterday..

Babydust! x

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