need advice please..


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2014
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Had mc 23/05/15 started trying again 1/06/14 without waiting... Didnt experience implantation bleeding first time around so has anyone any experience of it as i a bleeding a very light pink sort of discharge..maybe start of my period its been like this on and of for a day now.. and i was expecting heavy bleedig as my doctor said to! An
y ecperiences please share!
Not sure I can give much advice here but I had MMC in early May, straight back to TTC, had a tiny bit of pinkish blood a few days ago, thought it must be implantation bleed as there was never any more, however still not getting a positive test result. I did, the next day, have a positive on an ovulation test so if that was right it can't have been implantation. It is weird though, I don't know why else it would have happened!
Hi there. I had a mc last June, and started ttc in July, stopped for a few months and fell of in Nov. Anyways, in nov, when af was supposed to come, I had some spotting (odd for me). It lasted a few days and at first I thought it was af being a bit stubborn. A week later it dawned on me that I never had a full on flow (tmi sorry) and I was feeling a bit ill. I took a test and realized I was pg. I had a little more spotting the next time af would have came around (thought the worst), but nothing came of it and I'm still pg. I hope this helps and I'm sorry for your loss.
It does thank you.. Still have light bleeding so I assume it's just my af being a little messed up after mc, it's Been here for a week now though it is very light and pink colour! I wish I was pregnant but I don't think so! Tested 3 times this week all negative .. I also did an ovulation test out of curiosity. Because of buggy1s post and it's negative too! I think I need to. Stop thinking into it this much because it's just makin me more upset! Xx
Sorry you are going through this. I would probably be thinking the same as you and give next month a try. When I tested, I did my best to convince myself it was going to be a bfn, because I knew it would hurt to have my hopes dashed. I wish you all the best xxxx
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Well I think that's my af over... After 10days of spotting ? Really wish I knew what was goin on :(
Could just be your body settling down? I bled on and off for ages after x
It was initially, then very light on and off for a while
Mine was only light! Barely there.. I'm keep giving my hopes up but I don't know if this is normal. Just going to have to wait it out x

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