Need advice for a friend who is breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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A friend had her baby girl on Friday, she is breastfeeding, just wondering when the cluster feeding/constant feeding slows down into more of a spaced put set feeding if that makes sense? X
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Oh,and is there a certain amount of.time you have to ebf for until introducing a bottle?

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I personally introduced a bottle from 2 weeks and clustering continued here til after the 6 week growth spurt and then sorta evened out but I started combi feeding then

pickle and poppets mummy taptaptapping
feeding calmed down about 6/7 weeks for us into a 3hourly pattern then at 12 weeks every 4hours or so. at about 14 weeks he started only feeding for a few minutes as well so it gets much easier

we introduced expressed milk in a bottle around 4 weeks.
Thanks guys :) ill let her know x

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I think the best advice to give her is that breastfeeding is bloody hard work!!!! and to make sure she gets good practical advice on getting baby latched on properly. The latch is SO important, it helps baby feed better and saves your nipples from getting sore or bleeding.

tell her to get her midwife to check her technique every day they visit. It will make a big difference to her.
They establish supply for about 6 weeks so she will be dealing with cluster feeding first. Good advice re latch, plus lansinoh every feed. I wouldnt introduce bottle before 6 weeks ie before supply establishes

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we introduced expressed milk in a bottle around 4 weeks.[/QUOTE]

Nurse.... I would like to start doing this, what did you do re expressing like when did you express around feeds etc?

Positioning and attachment so important!!! I was told the first few days would be hard, but the first few weeks has been, it's nice to hear honest advice and see there's light at the end of the constantly feeding tunnel lol!!
we introduced expressed milk in a bottle around 4 weeks.

Nurse.... I would like to start doing this, what did you do re expressing like when did you express around feeds etc?

Positioning and attachment so important!!! I was told the first few days would be hard, but the first few weeks has been, it's nice to hear honest advice and see there's light at the end of the constantly feeding tunnel lol!![/QUOTE]

i found expressing first thing in the morning got the most milk, i would feed from one and express from the other, if your LO always wants both breasts (as mine did) after i got a few ounces expressed from one i would switch over so baby got both and expressed some from both...worked well for us.

also once he started to go to bed around 7.30pm i would express before i went to bed at 10pm. The more you express the more milk you will get, at the start i would only get a couple of ounces, then at the most when i was expressing frequently i could get 5-6 oz easily.

also a good pump is essential, i used medela swing which got the best results.We also used avent bottles but had tried a couple of others that he didnt get on with them.

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