need a moan - huge and scared!


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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Sorry girls but i just need to off load!

I am huge. I feel like i fill whole living spaces up. My whole left hand side aches from my back to my feet. My bump is just so damn big and my hubby just keeps saying "god your massive babe" :evil:
I am only 28 weeks tomorrow! I am going to see the midwife on thursday and i reckon she will say i am too big aswell!

I am also starting to get really scared about the fact that this baby may have to come by c section. I would much rather go through the pain of a natural labour than have a c section but if my placenta is still covering my os i have no choice :(

It is really annoying that i have had to wait so long to find out. I have about 8 weeks until my next scan (36 weeks) and they said that they will just see where the placenta is then and make a decision (sonographer reckoned it won't move) They also told me to bring my bag with me as they would admit me straight away if its still covering. I just feel crap about it all. With three other kids to worry about i don't wanna be in limbo like this!! Aghhh!!
The idea of sitting in hospital bored for 2-3 weeks doesn't appeal either!

I really feel nervous about having the section as i just don't know what to expect, and i am frightened of bleeding and it all going mental in there!!!
I know its hard hun, im having a biff to, but it doesnt nessiceraly mean you will have to have a c section, i was measuring 6 weeks ahead, now 4 weeks ahead and they havnt mentoned this once, Some of us just make lovely big bundles thats all, its nothing to be scared of, im 5ft1 and had a 9lb 8 baby naturally before this one, no tearing or anything, it is possible :hug:

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