Nearly time to appear?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Hi all,
Have just had midwife appointment and LO is ready to appear apparently! :cheer: I'm planning to have baby at midwife led centre so midwife has told me to hang on until midnight tonight before going into labour as I can only use centre after 37 weeks :shock: (Guess that means midwife thinks LO is about to come :think: ) Knowing my luck now, LO will hang on to insides and wait until after due date :?
Hope everyone is well, its rubbish not being able to get on forum at mo (I have come to internet suite to come on today!) Hopefully laptop will be back by next week :pray:

:hug: :hug:
Wow, lucky you :cheer:

Hope all goes well, you'll have to start using the checking in thread now or we'll all be wondering where you've gone and if you've had it or not!

aww hope u get your baby tonight then :)

u will know when its time believe me :D

goodluck and *labor dust*

:cheer: :dance: :hug:
Thanks girls :hug:

Never thought about using checking in thread, best start checking in I suppose! :D
Thats good news :cheer:

You wont be lagging that far behind us after all. I only have 1 week 5 days left so looks like you could beat me or maybe even have your LO the same time I do! That would be kewl :dance:
Not dilated I dont think, didnt have internal though. Hoping LO is going to make appearance in next 2 weeks but I know women who were fully engaged at 36/37 weeks and still went overdue so trying not to get hopes up! :wink:
Got to leave internet now so will catch up with you on Friday hopefully (new laptop should be arriving :cheer: )

:hug: :hug:
I'm not jealous honest. :D best of luck hun hope you get to meet your loved one very soon.
ooh, sounds like your definatley going to have LO before us! I've got 2 weeks left........... bet you'll win! LOL :rotfl:

Good luck, text me any news!!

Piglet xx
Hiya :wave:

Just to let you all know, I gave in and went and bought a new laptop so am back online again :cheer: Couldnt wait any longer, was really missing forum :( Am on stupid dial up until 5 Sep because AOL messed up :x Never mind, at least I will be here for everyone popping now :cheer:
Hiya hun.. all sounds great and lo will arrive anytime soon.. i know what you mean about missing forum lol..

hope we have some news soon xx

good luck!
Piglet, I would love to think you're right but I still think LO will hang on in there until after due date, you will all still have LO's before me :D
SSS, havent caught up on how things are with Bailey as yet, hope all is well your end :hug:

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