nearlly lost bubs


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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hi all

ah what a few days. We bought a new car two days ago in order to fit our huge pram in. We popped out yesturday to view a house and took a wrong turn, we ended up on a busy junction, pulled out and slammed straight into another car head on. It was crazily scary, the airbags came out, and was all dark and smoky. I was shunted into the dash board. I had tohave ambulance to hosp, i sobbed all the way as the crew didnt have a doppler but put a stethoscope on my belly. I asked if they could hear the heartbeat and he replied gurgling.
Got to the hosp and i was convinced that it was all over for baby. The midwife put a doppler on and couldnt find heartbeat so i burst into tears. She then oput the monitor on me, the one they strap to your belly with a belt, and we found the heart beat!! Heartbeat was 156.

I had a scan and thank god was confirmed all is well. Its made me realise how precious the baby is already, i dont know what id have done if id lost her.

had checkup today too and shes fine!!!
aww im really glad she is well. u need to just relax and put ur feet up for a while now coz u gotta look after that little baby girl. Take care xx
Oh god - that does soundfrightening! I'm so glad all is ok and you're both in one piece.

OMG- You poor thing, that sounds so frightening.

I'm glad no harm came to you or your baby :hug: :hug:
OMG i just read that back and for some reason it just hit me how close it was and now i cant stop bloody crying!!

thanks girlies, im off work relaxing but we are now carless and in debt a few grand as we havent paid for car yet!! dont care tho as long as shes ok. xxx
OMG!!!!! I am so glad you are ALL okay! Take care and get plenty of rest won't you!!! xxxx
OMG you poor thing :hug: , take it easy for a few days. Glad your both ok.
OMG that's awful... So glad to hear you are ok... :hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG Thank god you are all ok. Take it easy for a few days, you could be in shock and not realise it.(emotional shock I mean not medical shock) :hug: :hug:
I cant imagine how frightened you must have been but im really glad you're all okay. Make sure you do take it easy x
Poor you, i'm glad you're ok. You shouldnt be in debt as the car insurance will pay for the damage. :hug:
Oh my goodness how frightening for you. So pleased to hear all is well though.
OMG you poor thing what a fright you must have had, so glad to hear that everything is ok. Amazing how these things put life in to perspective! Rest up and have the week off, pamper yourself and little one and try and relax as best as you can.
omg so glad your little girl is fine i guess all that fluid and still being small cushioned her. bless her.
yes things like that put everything into perspective and makes u even closer.
hope u are feeling ok after crash but i guess the relief everything is ok with baby is enough for u

marie x
omg how awful you must of been absolutely terrified.
thank god everythings ok :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
What an awful, frightening experience.

So glad everything is ok with you and baby. Take things easy and get plenty of RnR :hug:

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