

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2017
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Please tell me this will go soon. I feel sick 24/7.

It's just awful. Nothing is easing it.

Anyone got any tips?
I'm exactly the same, not actually vomiting. All I can say is make sure you're snacking every 45 mins-1 hour. That makes me feel even worse if I go any longer not eating. Literally just have to force yourself, even if it's a few plain biscuits xx
It's awful eh? The thought of food makes me worse so I'm having to force myself. Never been like this before ��
Oh it's vile but do you know what, it's more manageable than having my head down the toilet every 5 minutes. So I try to not complain haha xx
Mine hits me worst when I go to bed. I've been wearing travel sickness bands overnight which seem to help, might be worth giving them a go x
I was like this for the past week and yesterday started vomiting. Today l called 111 to get some advice and was sent to a walk in clinic where l was prescribed cyclizine which took away the nausea and gave me some relief! Thank God ��
It might be worth trying to get some help too. Xx
I've been taking buccastem which dissolve in the gum & I've found they do help. I've went from 2 a day to one a day now I'm currently 14 weeks and been sick since 6 weeks 2 days. Not throwing up since taking the tablets.

Nausea is worse when I'm tired. Hope you get some relief soon!

I tried the seabands, some people swear by then so worth a shot but they didn't work for me xxx

Also be prepared for the GP to be reluctant to offer medication. It's quite common you have to persist. xxx

This is my 2nd pregnancy and the nausea is getting to me. I am just over 6 weeks. Thr nausea was bad with my first pregnancy too until around 3.5 months. I hope it doesn't last that long with this pregnancy
Just an update - the cyclozine only really worked for 3 hours, you can only take 3 per day. So afew days ago l had had my daily allowance and started being sick again, but started throwing up blood. I called 111 because l have been referred to the womens hospital from my gp but haven't had my first appointment yet and 111 actually sent an ambulance to get me! It arrived in about 5 minutes and l went down to the emergency room where a dr. Told me that i may have just damaged my stomach with all the morning sickness. I'm now on some stronger meds, but trying not to take them as they have so many side effects. Its so awful being so sick, and everyone keeps saying it will pass. Im 7 weeks now and another 5 weeks like this just seems unbearable.
Oh no Skyeway. That sounds awful. Hope your ok. I started they tablets a couple weeks ago but they were making me so ill and so dizzy.

I am wearing sickness bands all day every day.

I am 9+1 and come 6pm the nausea starts and come 9pm I'm being sick. It's awful, had it since 5 weeks, not sure how much more I can go through x

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