Back To Front Sickness!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Morning everyone.

I'm not quite sure what's happening with me at the moment. I've had nausea since week 6, it got severe around weeks 7-9, then it started to go. Last week I started feeling sick again, it's got worse and this morning i've started being sick :sick: . Is this normal? Surely I should be starting to feel better by now!
i've had a week or so where i havent hardly felt sick but this morning i felt really bad, i think its normal to come and go hun as awful as it is :( hope you start feeling better soon xx
It's grim isn't it! My oh downloaded a pregnancy app for his phone. He keeps telling me he can't believe i'm still feeling ill as his app says I should be feeling better by now. I'm seriously going to shove his phone somewhere unpleasant I swear!

I hope your ickiness clears up soon too hon. What day's your scan?

I've had the sickness (but only threw up once or twice) since week 5 till about a week ago when it eased off, then totally unexpected I threw up last night before bed, I was quite shocked as I wasn't expecting it. Was just about to brush my teeth I burped and that was it...projectile vomit everywhere :shock:
I'm so glad it's not just me! Its awful isnt it, the way it just comes from no where
i have to say i am quite lucky though as when i do wake up with it come dinner time i feel fine so not all bad!

Got my scan Thursday at 10am eeeek very nervous and thats 3 days before, i dread to think what i am gonna be like come thursday lol! xx
It defo comes and goes! I've had periods of feeling ok again (I only was actually sick a few times just constant nausea) but then out of nowhere I almost projectile vomitted over my steering wheel while in traffic :sick: The periods of feeling ok are getting longer now though thankfully!
Oh no! I must admit i've had a few gagging moments in the car, I always keep towels / bags / wipes on the passenger seat just in case i need to be sick on a main road!!

Oooh Deedee only 3 sleeps! Its terrifying waiting isnt it. Im excited about mine and dreading it too!
it sure is, i wasnt this bad when pregnant with my DD in fact i couldnt quite contain my excitement about having my first scan back then haha! When have you got your scan hun? xx
We have that phone App too, it said " at 10 weeks you will start to feel better". FAT CHANCE!
I read a bit more into it and found that you may start to feel better as placenta takes over, but if not most women find their nausea goes at 12-14 weeks.

Fingers crossed I will be able to eat over the holidays!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I still spend about half an hour a day being sick and im nearly 29 weeks although Its not as bad as it was xxx

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