Nausea easing....UPDATE


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I've not been sick at all but from week 7 have felt very nauseous on and off. Yesterday and today it has eased off a lot though and I'm paranoid something's gone wrong....I'm 9 weeks and 3 days, any idea whether the nausea can ease off this early? Thanks xx

Haha, magic - as soon as I posted that I started feeling sick. Yippeee :D
Yes it can come and go.
I think my nausea eased around week 9 ish then came back after a couple of days break from it.

Mine did this but sadly it came back with avengance a few days later, although it has settled into a three day pattern now so I can control it. Hopefully you will be lucky though and it'll ease off early for you.

A x
I have been queasy since 6 weeks, on and off. Trust me, all you have to do when you feel normal again? Lean yourself over and sniff a bad smell. (If you can't find anything, just make your hubby eat some onions.) That should bring the m/s feeling right back. :D
I had a queasy day the other day but I think I was just making it up as I haven't had one since! I like it to stay away as long as possible :talkhand: :lol:
Ive been a bit worried about that too. To be honest, it was never bad, just a bit of nausea at night but now im not ill at all. I dont feel that pg except my boobs are big and my tummy is thickening.

The last pg was a nightmare for sickness and the first wasnt that bad but not a sickness, symptom free as this one has been. Mmmmm. :?

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