Nausea at odd times of the day!

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Do other people have sickness/ nausea at odd times?

I was gettin a little worried as i dont feel ill when i wake up, it seems to be as soon as i have eaten breakfast i start feeling a little sicky,

Then i feel sick because i am hungry so eat lunch but then get half way through and feel sick still,

I have come home and had to nibble on some crackers as i was feeling sick again and now i feel fine,

I was actually worried yesterday as i didnt feel nauseous WRONG!
So good to see you back in here NW1. Yeah I had that, some days no sickness and others just really randomly without any rhymne or reason.

I hope it doesn't hang arouind for long :D
Oh no! I want real sickness! i want to be hurling in a bucket all the time, then i will know my bean is here to stay

Bring on the sickness!!!

What am i wishing for LOL

:rotfl: :rotfl:
im fine in the morning but feel sick when i'm hungry in the day...not had that much so might just get away with it!
I felt almost EXACTLY like that from week 6 through to earlier this week! I was fine in the morning until I ate something and I constantly felt as if I was just recovering from food poisoning. It took me ages to eat something I would have scarfed right down and I could only eat small portions. Halfway through I'd just be like "bleh."

Now I have no nausea anymore. Kind of worrisome, but I still have other symptoms so I'm trying not to be too worried.
I am 5 weeks 3 days and do not feel sick at all. Is this normal? All I have is really bad period pains which I am starting to worry about.
I didn't get nausea until about 6 wks. I did have period like cramping early on which was quite severe around wk 5. My nausea has been mainly in the afternoon but for the last few days it's eased off. I do wonder whether everything is OK but I'm generally happy not to feel so sick!
help me then, because i'm feeling sick 24/7 at the minute and its making me struggle to look after my little one.

i wake up and i feel sick, i have something to eat and i feel sick, i drink loads of water and juice and i feel sick i just cant win at the minute.

here's to the scan hurrying up and the sickness going away!!!!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
I feel fine atm, got funny little crampy type feelings in my tummy, today im feeling dreadfully tired like i didnt even sleep or having eaten, just had some eggs for protein to see if its my sugar levels but doubt it feels like my body weights a billion pounds as today im literally dragging myself around, tummy is bloated,,,

No sickness just yet, although i know last time i dont think i got sick sick until i was coming on 6 weeks.

I do get bad headaches sometimes though...

I hope it doesnt get too bad for u hun

I felt ill constantly during 1st tri - all day and was sixk at stupid times. Mainly at night.
I had sickness weeks 6-9 ish and then 13-16 ish - and it was nausea rather than sickness and normally from 11am ish through to the late evening.

The key is to eat what you fancy when you can.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
I start to feel sicky and restless at night times, or if i smell something i don't like but ive only actually been sick about 5 times so far, so good.
I feel sick because I'm hungry and then I feel sick when I've eaten. My son offered me some of his chocolate today and I turned him down. Chocolate! What has it come to?
I was getting worried as 8 weeks tomorrow and hardly any symptoms but I've been feeling vaguely nauseous since mid afternoon so I think it's starting :cheer:

Never thought I'd be happy to feel sick :lol:
Not been sick at all but nausea comes and goes all the time - usually worst after a meal or on the tube....and certain foods / drinks and mouthwash make me want to throw up!

I think they call it morning sickness cos it's supposedly worse when you have an empty stomach after a night's sleep but seems like it strikes at any time! x
I think i may of spoke too soon, my head is banging i have a tonne of saliva in my mouth like ive just been at alton towers!


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