Naughty step/corner


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Just wondered how you all manage discipline. Abigail seems to be getting the terrible two tantrums. I have realised its a lot to do with frustration but we have begun the naughty step. It seems to be working really well. We only sit her there for 1 minute at the moment and when she is two in a month we will increase it to 2 minutes. I was really surprised that she actually stayed there when we put her on the stairs! It seems to be working though and I feel less frightened of saying 'No' to her. Has anyone else tried this and found it worked? What about when they are out and about??
I use this with Jack already and really does work

When we are out and about, not sure yet, but we did go to one of his friends Birthday party and he started screaming big style, so i just picked him up and carried him out of the room and sat him down in a quiet place and ignored him for a minute, he was fine when we went back in
I've been a Nursery Nurse 9 years and spent alot of time working with 2 to 3 years olds this method really does work if done consistantly with both parents, also we called it time out because sometimes it wasnt the fact that they were particulay being Naughty but got a bit carried away keep it up your child will defintly benifit from knowing the boundries :D :D
I agree we don't really call it the naughty step/corner we tend to call it time out
Nursery training really sticks doesn't it?

It is true that you have to be really consistant and stick at it otherwise they get confused easily on what are the boundries
I find this the best disipline for my kids, cameron who is 3 i dont need to tell him to go on the step, i give him 1 stern look and he knows he has to go on it, bless him...

bradley on the other hand just laughs at me,

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