Natural M/C, how long - UPDATE.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2013
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So looks like I am back here :(

Long story short....had really faint bleeding late Monday, went to the EPU on Tuesday and was measuring nowhere near 8+ weeks, she told me she could only see the sac no baby, they wouldn't confirm it as a mc yet as I think the sac has to measure a certain amount and said to come back next Tues but as I had started bleeding then could possibly mc in the meantime.

Started getting cramps yesterday evening and blood is more red now, although I still dont think it would be considered really heavy, cramps more of a dull ache now and are coming and going.
How long does this take? I've read so many scary stories (should have stayed away from google!!) about the pain and the bleeding, although I know its different for everyone. I just want it over with now!!!!

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Hi Stace, I really am sorry to see you back here, its all so unfair.
I have had 2 natural miscarriages and both were very different, the first one took about 2 weeks from when the first bit of spotting started but just a few days after heartbeat stopped, the second was very quick, started to bleed and lost baby the very next day.
Google is the devil sometimes and can only make us worry more. I have had more painful and heavier periods than my miscarriages so try not to worry. Maybe get your OH to get you some nurofen plus and have a hot water bottle ready. Again, I am so very sorry and have been thinking of you xx
Thanks lisey, yep your right it is unfair! I really dont understand why some of us have to suffer so much, sucks. I'm not having cramps atm, I took some ibuprofen earlier and also have some paracetamol on stand by, lots of chocolate and a hot water bottle! Just a waiting game really x
Stace that sucks I'm so sorry to hear this as lisey says why is it so unfair.

Mine started suddenly, no pain I just felt wet and when I checked there was quite a bit of red blood with a few small clots. It was early afternoon and by evening it had stopped and still no pain. That was a Sunday and I had a scan booked for Monday anyway so went along for that. Scan was inconclusive so they took bloods and told me to come back in three days for more. On the Wednesday afternoon I suddenly started bleeding again, this time it came with lots of pain and cramps and there was so much blood I couldn't get myself away from the toilet it was just running out. I was crying with pain it was awful. The pain eased off after a few hours and the bleeding slowed down. I bled for a week. The Wed/Thurs/Fri were the worst, after that the bleeding was more period like and manageable.
Sorry to hear this darling - sending you lots of hugs!!

Mine was loosing the twin 6days after my ectopic removal surgery and it came on very quickly and ended after 5days - it was very red very quickly and I actually passed the baby whilst in the shower; soon as that passed along with the remaining tissue I stopped bleeding.

Really hope you are okay & although you feel super shit right now we are all here xx
For me i was bleeding red anyway for about 3 weeks
Then one night about 9weeks or so the pain was horrendous
There was no other explanation than know i was miscarrying
I bled really heavy. I lost an awful lot of blood. 2 weeks later i was still bleeding from it and noticed it was starting to smell necrotic
The 'retained tissue' was decaying
I tried medical management but it failed so had to have an erpc and antibiotics
Thanks ladies, mother nature really is a bi £tch isnt she, its bad enough we have to go thru the pain if loosing a baby bht then to make us go thru the physical pain as well :( I've been bleeding a lot today although seems to have stopped a little...sure it will start up again though, not had any cramps today, only really what i had yesterday evening, but i very much doubt this is it!
Massive hugs staces I'm so so sorry :(
My first m/c at 14 weeks I was spotting but nothing more and had a scan which confirmed no heartbeat. I then spotted pink for a few more days but with pain and they decided they didn't want to risk infection and so they gave me medical management.
I was totally sh*tting myself as I'd read so many horror stories from googling about people needing morphine etc and got all worked up. The pain was bad and contraction like but I managed fine on paracetemol. From waters going to baby passing was only about 6 hours. Emotionally I found it really hard and took me a long time to feel okay again so go easy on yourself *big hugs*
My second m/c I bled, scan confirmed no hb and then had heavier bleeding and all was over by the next day/day after that. Pain wasn't as bad as the first m/c . I've had period pain worse than m/cs I think so defo try not to worry over all the scare stories. Obviously the pains different for everyone but you will be fine I promise xxxx with my m/cs the pain was in waves whereas period pain is just never ending cramps. So I found it a lot easier to deal with physically. Then when baby passed I got the cramps all at once but as soon as baby was passed then the pain totally eased off.
Both times I've stopped bleeding within 2 weeks and needed no further action. I'd say its so so much harder emotionally than physically so defo take the time to grieve and look after yourself. Again I'm so so sorry this has happened :(.

I'm so sorry for your mc. I've had 1 natural mc in Feb. the first sign I had was some spotting in the evening and then i woke the next day to bright red blood - but not excessive or heavy. I had slight period like pain but very mild and no where near what I got for this last period. I went into the EPU the next day and was scanned and they saw nothing. they couldn't be sure but they though in with some blood was a collapsed sac. I only bled for a week and it wasn't heavy. I should have been 7 wks but I think the baby died earlier as my HCG levels were much lower than it should have been for that stage. It took a very long time (nearly a month of regular blood tests!) for my HCG levels to go back to 0 but then I had a period really quickly so actually should be ovulating again in a few weeks. Like others have said dealing with it emotionally is the hardest.
Im so sorry for your loss. My mc was natural but at 7 + weels so a little earlier. I just had what could only be described as a heavy period with some cramping.

Take care of yourself! ❤️
Thankyou. The bleeding seems to have slowed down and was only getting dull aches last night in my back but feel okay today, I have no idea if i have 'passed' everything or not? as from everything I've read people seem to pass lots of large clots?? which i haven't really, its so frustrating as i just want it over with :( I have another scan at the epu next week so they should let me know, I really dont want to have D&C though :(
Hey stace- hugs hun it's so hard.

I have had a very early miscarriage (they think it was four or five weeks) ive currently been diagnosed as incomplete miscarriage. I've had light red bleeding on and off for two weeks - had a scan yesterday and I haven't passed what little is there yet but they believe it will happen on its own and that it may be to small for medical management so I'm still waiting. My hormone levels had only just begun to drop last Thursday so I'm guessing it should happen soon.
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Sorry pumpkin, I think the most frustrating part is the waiting, I just want it over with :( Hope things happen for you soon x
Totally agree stace and you to. I'm bleeding again a little bit today. Strangely can't wait to see a negative pregnancy test
I started bleeding Monday just gone at 9+1. Had 1 biggish clot in the first bleed and the just bright red blood but not heavy, not flooding a towel just when I went the loo. Wednesday I had a scan at epu (9+3) and there was nothing inside apart from a few clots. I'm still bleeding bright red but it's not particularly heavy or painful.
I did a hot Thai morning and got a negative. Makes me think this pregnancy stopped being viable weeks ago, and as this would of Ben when my period was due that's when it started.

I too have read lots on the Internet. They never said whether it was a complete miscarriage due to no sac being there or incomplete because some tissue left. Just got told call EPU on 1st April so they can discharge me.
Warning : Apologies for TMI!!
Bit of an update....went to the loo this morning and was still bleeding although not really heavy and the blood on my pad was reddy brown, then all of a sudden I passed quite a large black clot like 'thing'...well it was two things actually, looked like they were attached and a bit stringy?? Didn't really get a good look as it was so fast! No pain at all and since then the bleeding has really let up quite a bit. Really hoping that I've passed what I should and it wasn't just a blood clot. Not sure if anyone experienced this??
Hey stace. Sorry to hear of this. This sounds really similar to me, passing a big mass. It could have been the "product" or it could have been a clot. Best thing to do it to get another scan to check if tissue left. With me I passed a considerable chunk but it took another 3 weeks for the rest to pass but as soon as it did the bleeding subsided. Hope u are ok and someone is looking after you. Emotional and horrible time lots of
Love xx
I passed loads n i mean LOADS of huge jelly clots
I assume it was more or less just congealed blood though x
So i've been at the epu this morning for another scan, basically it looks like an 'incomplete miscarriage', the sac has collapsed and is now measuring 4mm (it was 14mm) so I have passed the majority of it - I do actually remember passing something 'sac like' yesterday evening. I've pretty much stopped bleeding, its like the end of a period now. I have to go back in two weeks and they will check again, so hopefully I will pass the rest or my body will just absorb it, as I really dont want to go thru an op just for a tiny thing like that.
There wasn't much left for me but it started to smell
If you notice a smell go straight away x

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