Nappy/clothes changes?

Just you all wait until they crawl and crawl off mid nappy change - Great fun

Jack's not fussed by anything really, never has been. The only thing he doesn't like is having long sleeves put on but he learned from about 8 weeks or so that if he keeps his fist clenched and straightens his arm it's alot easier and quicker x
I think one of the funniest things I have heard of was my friend's little boy who she was trying to potty train escaped mid-change. His dad was asleep on the floor propped up on the bean bag and little Louie went and sat on his face :rofl:
Alyssia loves being in the bath but cries when coming out unless we wrap her up in the towel, shes fine with nappy time, but getting changed shes fine but only for so long need to do it fairly quickly.
Yeeeeeees! You'd think I was torturing the poor little soul! Just rubbed in some lotion too, sounded like it was acid. But he's clean, comfy, has has some water to drink to cure his hiccups and is now sleeping very soundly. It's a hard life being 13 days old you know :roll:

Oh yes it is like we are murdering AJ when it comes to nappy changes, clothes changes and baths. Do you think its a reflux thing????

No I think it's a pain in the arse thing lol

too bloody true hun too bloody true!!! lol
Lewis loves all things naked as long as I warm the baby wipes up first.

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