

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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I STILL can get ellis to nap without rocking him to sleep and i dont know what to tackle first

He will not go to sleep without being rocked...... but i have been trying to put him down more and more awake but i cant get any lower then 40 secs after his eyes have close, then min i put him down he wakes right up again.

He will not NAP without being rocked

he has stopped feeding in the night but still wakes 2-3 am and will not go back to sleep till i put him in my bed.

What do i do first???? control crying is an option now but he get soooooo upset!!

Hey keeley

Somethings I have found always work with Archer:

1) At night, make a hot water bottle or hot pack and put it in his bed for a few minutes before you put him in it (esp where his head will go on the sheet), Make sure its not HOT though. This guarantees Archer going down well, both before bed and when he gets up in the night (hotpack is great for this as you can just bung it in the microwave for a minute or two while he;s getting his feed).

2) During the day for naps, a swing and the noise box from his slumberbear set on white noise. We got the slumberbear because the hairdryer always worked but I was terrified of leaving it on! Now I couldn't manage without it as it gives him a good nap during the day, even if he stirs, he quickly drops off again.

Let me know if either of them work.
Beth&Archer said:

thanks for your comment beth... whats is a slumberbear?

The only problem with toys is Ellis likes to fight anything that gets near him when he is tired!! :lol:

hun please dont resort to controlled crying i agree with the baby whisperer on that one it breaks the trust between mother and child...Babys cry because they need you..

Jakob is exactly the same as ellis he wont go to sleep on his own and i have been reading the baby whisperer and been on their forum and there is sooo much info!!!

Have you tried pick up put down? Basically you put them down in their cot, and when they cry you pick them up and settle them, as soon as they are settled you put them straight back down, even if they cry before they hit the matress put them down before you pick them back up, keep doing this and the first few nights will be really really tough but after a while it gets easier and easier...

i would really recommend the baby whisperer website and forum. And her (tracy hogg)s' book .

hope this helps xxx

cas xx
im not going to get into a argument, everyone has the right to their opion, i have an amzing relationship with my daughter she totally loves her mummy so excited to see me when she comes back from nanna etc, and i know she totally trusts. i used controlled crying with sophie it took 3 nights of hell and it was pure paddy all she wanted was to be in my bed but i had, had enough, i personally dont think it affected my relationship with sophie at all. but thats just my experince everyone diferent :D
i understand both point of views and i am soooo stuck in the middle...

I will check out that website thanks cassi.

Ellis does get soooo upset when i have let him cry that he starts coughing and heeving! so i dont think i can control cry :think: ooohhhhh i just dont know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have recommended a book in the other post. this woman worked with gwyneth paltrow which appealed to me i couldnt see her doing anything horrible.
i read other books like the contented baby and i hated all the other books they seemed really harsh.
i agree with the comment about babies cry cos they need you upto a certain age, when theyre a bit older and they are aware of what theyre doing a bit more then i have to disagree
Hey Keeley

Check out this link to slumberbear plus ... d1a2821210

Basically its a bear with a box inside that makes a number of different sounds to help the baby sleep. We've got the plus version which plays the noise for 5 minutes then stops, if the baby moves or starts the cry the noise automatically starts again. We;ve taken the box out of the bear becasue we find it works better this way and might be better for you if Ellis likes to fight his toys!!

I would HIGHLY recommend them, £30 well spent for us definitely. It may mean you don't have to try controlled crying or other techniques, this bear plus warming the bed has definitely worked for us and Archer is terribly clingy.
i was going to get ellis this when he was born but not the plus one!!

I am worried ellis might be too old for it now?? and not relate to the noises????

Archer got his at 3 months and its worked brilliantly for him.

Does Ellis still relax when the hairdryer is on? Or the tumble dryer? If he does then it should still work.

haha no he freaks out!!! but always has hehe

and when i put his cot mobile on he thinks its time to play

but he relaxing infront of the telly

Keeley, Leorah never used to nap! I devoted 3 days to getting her to nap and now she has great naps (usually!). I made a consistant napping ritual and stuck with it and after 2 or 3 days she recognised the cues. i got loads of info from the baby Whisperer site too but don't follow the actual BW advice. Here is what I do:

We have activity time until she is tired and grumpy (this can happen within 10 seconds!) I then put her dummy in and put her arms and legs in her snowsuit while counting 1,2,3,4 zip it up, cuddle, walk to her pram whispering your going for your nap now, you will feel so good afterwards, put her in the pram and cover it so she doesn't get any stimulation.

At first she would cry out but very quickly she started to understand. Now she is often asleep before I even have her arms in the snowsuit. My Mum thought it was hilarious because it was like I give her a tranquiliser as soon as she gets in her snowsuit! I am dreading summer though :lol:

Can you devote a couple of days to just working on the naps and put everything else off? I still can't put Leorah to bed awake but this doesn't bother mke as we just put her down after she crashes out.
I really need to devout a few days to helping Jakob with his sleep its just so tempting, today I decided i wasnt picking him up to go to sleep i would hoever put his dummy back in the million times he dropped it, this according to the baby whisperer is 'accidental parenting' but to be honest he is 3 months old and its a step closer cause in the end he went without been rocked off....
ooo glad he went off cassi.... what is "accedental parenting??"

Beth... i got the slumber bear today and it doesnt come back on when he is crying??? i only can on when i shock it hard??? is this right?

Also i didnt get any instructions, did u?


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