He will only go to sleep in....


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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his rocking chair but he is going to outgrow it anyyyyyyyyyyy minute :shock: :shock: :shock:

When he was newborn i was ADAMENT i didn't want to rock him to sleep and now im stumped! My step mother started it when she babysat him and he has been rocked to sleep in it ever since.

This is a MASSIVE problem though because when we are outand about he *needs* the chair to get him to sleep. He will sleep in the car seat (as the car is moving) and sometimes in his pram but in anyone's house he WILL not get asleep without his seat.

I dont know what to do? Iv tried everything.... rocking him, walking with him, tickling his little face etc and he does not give in!!!!

I need advice so desperatly girls as it's getting stupid now.

Any advice truly appreciated!
:hug: :hug: We let Jessie get like this when she was poorly and then she refused to settle anywhere other than our arms! It was a nightmare, we tried all sorts and in the end we started to leave her to cry with her musical projector on and come down stairs for a break. She never cried herself to sleep but when we went back not making a fuss and talking to her, just picking her up and shushing her, she settled straight away in our arms, put her down, let her cry etc, we had 3 or 4 nights of it taking 2 or 3 hours to settle and now we're back to being able to put her down when she's tired and leave the projector on and she'll settle herself first or second time. It's just sticking with it I think, it's worth the few sleepless nights!
Good luck!

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