

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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I want to start stocking up on nappies for when LO arrives, I will be going down the disposable route (Sorry Mother earth).

Did you stock up? I find nappies so confusing!! I've been looking at pampers nappies (the new baby ones in the yellow packs). I've been told not to buy too many of size 1, how many is too many??!

Any advise would be much appreciated!
I've got 2 packs of newborn then he's going into cotton bottoms reusuables
eds 4 weeks and over 9lb n hes still in size 1 pampers...
Yes, stock up by all means, but as with other advice, get a couple of sizes. You're better having nappies a size too big (you can always fasten them tighter) than too small and gaping where they will leak. I bought loads of the pampers new baby nappies with my first baby, like 10 big packs or something, but after about 3 weeks, I had to take loads of them back to the shop and try to get them changed for a bigger size, cos my son was a right little porker! This time I'm gonna get like 3 big packs of newborn nappies for the first couple of weeks, as their poo is really vile early on and these absorb it well, then after that will go onto the next size up. You'll find they will stay in the next size then for a while before going up again so not so much panic over stocking up on them.
I think we had bought 3 packs of size 1s and and 2 pack of size 2s before LO is born...

OH or I just bought more when we needed them (he has to come past Tesco on the way home anyway!!)

I would say get 2 packs of newborn , and 3 packs of size 1 to start .
Also you might not want to buy too many as you might not like the diapers you bought i know when i got pampers and huggies given to me i hated huggies and liked the pampers so maybe try them before stocking up too much ??? or put the money aside until Lo is born and buy 1 pack of 2 different brands until then ??
Just a suggestion hope i helped
You've all been really helpful! Thankyou very much!! xxxx
Adam was in newbaby nappies for around 2 weeks, and have been using size 2's since. We are now planning to move on to size 3's next week. xx

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