Nappies - the big debate - disposable or reuseable


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Anyone had any ideas yet? I was thinking disposibles at night or when I was out and out, then reuseables during the day when I'm at home?

Just a bit over-awed by dealing with a brand new baby AND learning how to put on "real" nappies!!

Also are the flat terrys best or the all in one shaped ones??? :wave:
I am gonna use disposables,the cloth ones look cute though :D xx
disposible for me

i never tried reusable but my reasons are.

why i wouldnt like reusable
to expensive to start of with
i could not imagin scoping pooh out the nappy. (what happens when they have one of them explosive poohs that goes every where?)
i imagin all the pooh would block up my washing machine :lol:
i imagine them to smell of wee alot and i hate washing any way...
and Going out ild have to carry dirty nappies around with me

things i do like about them.
they look ALOT more cute. and i could have passed them down to next child and they are cheaper in the long run.



easy to do a quick change dirty nappy in the bin.
they cover up the strong wee smell. seem nice and thin and breathable

running out of naies in the middle of the night

quick question how long can you leave a dirty reusable nappy for untill you need to wash it? i only do the washing twice a week i let it pile up in the basket :oops:
I suppose that would depend on how many nappies you had Dionne and also how explosive the poo was in the dirty one!!! HAHAHAHA

Trouble is in Bristol now due to new recycling by the council our "general waste" rubbish (which nappies would have to go in) are only emptied once a fortnight- with 8 to 10 nappies a day that's a lot of rubbish building up!!!
I only have fortnightly collections now too shaz and that worries me a bit,i was thinking of getting one of those nappy wrapper things :D xx
Shaz said:
I suppose that would depend on how many nappies you had Dionne and also how explosive the poo was in the dirty one!!! HAHAHAHA

Diors are so explosive i am cleaning it out of her ears with a baby wipe :puke:
im going to use disposables

i got a nappy wrapper the other day for £3 bargain!
a shop in folkestone it sells odd bods but it was brand new in the box :)
I miss all the bargains..I ought to go and have some lessons from David Dickinson the Bargain Hunt Maestro :lol:
I lurve my cloth. Started using them when Seren was a week and a half old and have never gone back.

Reasons why I chose cloth were:
- our bins are collected once a fortnight and I didn't want to fill it with nappies.
- no chemicals next to my baby's skin, just pure cotton
- the saving of around £800 though I think I am eating into that feeding my addiction
- the look of them, they are so darn cute
- the environmental factor
- the reliability of them, I have only ever had 2 leaks and they were when Seren was very young and breastfed.

I have never had to scoop out poo, I have used either paper or fleece liners. When it has gone on nappy I have just shaken it off and rinsed in the sink, no touching of poo necessary. Poo never goes into my washing machine either. I wash a load of nappies once every third day, I don't think my bathroom smells at all (that is where the bin is) and I put the wash on last thing at night, hang them out in the dy and they are dry when I get in :D No extra effort at all.
:shock: really beanie??? the poo never goes onto the nappies?? i must have a right poo'y baby lol its making me want to take a pic of Diors poohs.... you wouldnt believe they are all up her back and cover her nappies!!!!!

want to swap babies any one?
Seren's tensd to stay in the middle. I do have an occasional one where it will go on the nappy bit tis easy enough to rinse off :D
Gotta say i love the cloth now and have no problems with jack at all.
OH did his nappy for first time since we have got them (think he was scred lol) I laid it all out for him and told him to just put Jack on it.
:rotfl: when i got Jack up this mornning and i gave him atots bots to use :doh:

BTW Beanie where did you get your cloth blinkie from? i want one :D
steal mine if you want. save it to your documents, then put it on photobucket :D
i really wanted clothe nappies but mum sed she struggled with them with me so advised me against them

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