nap time hell!!!! Help!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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How can I get ds to sleep longer than 20-30 mins in the day.
He woke at 0800 this morning. I feed him every 4 hours.
He was fed at 1200 and put in cot and went straight to sleep. He slept for 20 mins and is now screaming. I know he is so tired. What shall I do? Please help!! He is a bf baby and is 23 weeks old.
Nightimes are a bit better but he does wake frequently.
i have given up he is now on my lap. are there any sucess stories on naps? pupd doesnt work on him. help please.
While I can't help on the bf side of things some babies are just wakeful. Since only a few weeks old Becky has slept little in the day. Yesterday she slept for about 45 minutes between two naps, one morning one afternoon.

If she isn't quite tired enough she won't sleep when she's put down for a nap, she'll grump. Because of this I try to keep her going a bit longer so that she's completely tired out and when I put her down for a nap and she'll sleep. Otherwise she just fights it. She sleeps in her playpen in the living room during the day, not her cot, though. She won't settle in her cot during the day which is fine by me because she's out like a light at night now she's over her current bout of teething.

Hope that's of some help, you're not alone! :hug:
I had issues with my madam having naps in the day at one point, but what i did was when she showed signs of being sleepy she would have a quick top up of breastmilk then i would pop her in her cot and put a blanket over her then turn on her mobile and leave the room if she fussed i would go back in turn the mobile on again and leave or if she woke far too early and was still tired i would do the same.
She now knows its nap time and when i put the blanket on her she grabs it and snuggles it up :lol: she goes down quite easily now for an hour twice a day.

Do you put him down awake or asleep. If he is asleep when you put him down he could just be a little disorientated if he wakes as he is not where he was when he fell asleep and that can upset some babies.
My Lo is exactly the same...I've researched loads about napping cos she was having loads of 20 min naps a's hard work (as you'll know) !!! :wall: appears that babies have sleep cycles 20-45mins, which means they briefly wake up at some point in that cycle and supposedly go back to sleep, but some babies struggle with that transition :wall: My Lo is still very much a cat napper but what I've found is now she is better at settling herself to sleep (much quicker and calmer than she used to be) if i put her down to nap when she's pretty tired when she wakes after 20 mins sometimes, if I leave her for 5/10 mins she'll go back to sleep :cheer: . So everytime she wakes up after 20 mins i leave her for a bit to see if she goes back to sleep.
Might be worth trying if you haven't already.

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