How can I get ds to sleep longer than 20-30 mins in the day.
He woke at 0800 this morning. I feed him every 4 hours.
He was fed at 1200 and put in cot and went straight to sleep. He slept for 20 mins and is now screaming. I know he is so tired. What shall I do? Please help!! He is a bf baby and is 23 weeks old.
Nightimes are a bit better but he does wake frequently.
He woke at 0800 this morning. I feed him every 4 hours.
He was fed at 1200 and put in cot and went straight to sleep. He slept for 20 mins and is now screaming. I know he is so tired. What shall I do? Please help!! He is a bf baby and is 23 weeks old.
Nightimes are a bit better but he does wake frequently.