

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Names are soooo difficult. We love the name Matilda for a girl but have no ideas for boys. Have you guys started thinking up names yet and any strange sense of which sex you are having? At the moment I think mines going to be a boy. :D
I love name choosing, it's so fun! You can find some great lists on the internet, if you're still unsure of boy names.

I think I'm having a girl, and Mystic Preg Lisa agrees. :wink:
It's a tie between the names Pepper and Ivy.
im thinking boy this time. i knew right away with ellie and i have the same instinct this time but yeh could be wrong..
as for names, have a few i like but not decided which i like best yet. luckily i dont have anyone to argue it over with x
we have 2 boys names and one girls which we are set on
not going to say what they are though
defo possitive this one will be a girl
manda xx
Im convinced Im having a boy too - my cuz will be so upset if I do bless her!!

For a boy I really want the name Silas - OH has said no way, not in a million years :rotfl:
For a girl I think Saffron - Saffy for short :think:

@ Oingo - Pepper is a gorgeous name!!!
@ Becs - Matilda is so sweet, reminds me of the little girl from the film Matilda
manda224 said:
we have 2 boys names and one girls which we are set on
not going to say what they are though
defo possitive this one will be a girl
manda xx

Do you not like telling people the names hun? I never used to as I didnt want anyone stealing them :rotfl: OH tells me there will be no chance of anyone stealing the names Ive picked this time as they're so wrong!!
Tillytots said:
manda224 said:
we have 2 boys names and one girls which we are set on
not going to say what they are though
defo possitive this one will be a girl
manda xx

Do you not like telling people the names hun? I never used to as I didnt want anyone stealing them :rotfl: OH tells me there will be no chance of anyone stealing the names Ive picked this time as they're so wrong!!

AHAHAHAHAHAH for boy names I picked Vance and Vladimir, so I know how you feel. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
When we told my parents they dug out a baby names book which they had bought and used to name me! It was published in 1978 and has some lovely old fashioned names,

I had a look through and theres some really unusual ones but with the surname it will have, i couldnt go too over the top!
I think I'm having a boy, don't know why.

Did see four magpies twice last week though! And my mum came to me in a dream a few years back (she is dead) and just pointed and laughed and went "hahahahaha you're going to have boys!"... so I guess along with my hunch it's already decided!

We like Constance Elizabeth for a girl and we're still arguing over boys' names, but we like traditional ones like George Frederick etc.

Who knows? Can't wait till we all find out at 20 weeks!!!!
I love name picking too but i have no idea what im having.
I really want a girl this week but last week it was a boy so no idea really maybe i will get vibes a little later on.
I'm thinking we're having a boy, purely because we bd the day before ovulation and science says waiting until ovulation helps it to be a boy, so we shall see,

But we like Ellouise for a girl and Taylor for a boy
yep even once its born it will be refered to as princess or prince untill it is about 8 months old as i dont want any little chavvys (not you lot) calling there skanny scabby kid my names lol as these names are made by us
i just dont want my kid getting mixed up with some skank in its class
sorry if that sounds harsh
manda xx

p.s after 8 months the gap will be huge so if anyone does do it they wont be in the same year
So far I'm on..

Chloe for a girl (yes yes I know it's common and half the class will have the name, but I want the child to be happy with it when she's 20 as well as it being "cute" when she's 2!")

Lewis for a boy - named after hopefully the F1 World champion of 2007 (oh I hope I haven't cursed Lewis Hamilton now saying that out loud!!)

My child will be mixed race, so Tarquin really isn't going to suit!!! :rotfl:
midna said:
Llys said:
So far I'm on..

Lewis for a boy - named after hopefully the F1 World champion of 2007 (oh I hope I haven't cursed Lewis Hamilton now saying that out loud!!)

You better not had I got 20 quid on that.. :D

Thread Hijack!

Oh I'm so excited and nervous about this weekend!!!!

(ps.. if he wins.. that'll be a cut for me for bringing good luck then! haha)

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