name suggestions


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
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hubby's actually agreed on some names

isabelle rose
and olly james or ollie james

i wanted oliver but he wants olly :roll:
I reckon he'll spend his whole life telling people it's not Oliver, it's just Olly I'd save the hassle and call him Oliver! Oliver will get shortened to Olly anyway....

OHs eh? Who'd have em??!!! :lol:
Oliver is a great name. I think Peanut ois right, he will spend his life telling people he is not called Ollie if you give him the shortened form. I am Joanne, but only on my birth certificate, I am always Jo. People lengthen my name and call me Josephine etc, so he will probably get Oliver anyway!
Isabelle Rose is beautiful too.
We are thinking of Oliver if we have a boy.
Love Jo.
could u not put oliver on the birth certificate but call him Olly (ie)
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
could u not put oliver on the birth certificate but call him Olly (ie)
NAH Cause the school would call him oliver,there are 4 harry's in his class and I said the family calls him H which is a pet name,so to make it les confusing forthem,they refused and call him harry-john his full name,i only called him harry-john to keep his dad happy,it was supposed to be just Harry :roll:
cant you write on the form for the school

the form is like this:

name that appeaps on birth certificate:
chosen name:
legal surname:

so cudnt u put oliver on the 1st
olly/ie on the 2nd
n wateva ur surname is on the last?

luv b x
yes i will do that,hubby dont like oliver just olly so will have a word.dont even know what im going to have yet :oops:

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