Name Dilemna!!

Ooooh I have the rage for you. What a crap friend dictating like that. Do what you want and stuff her. Nobody has the right to pick, and like others have said if its the case where u both have boys she is very unlikely to call her boy the same As you.

My best friend told me she didn't want me to use 'her girls name' when I said I was's rank anyway so there was never going to be a problem but I did think she was a cheeky cow for saying that.

Good luck....look forward to hearing what happens :) xxx

This just made me laugh... :) (the name being rank bit - haha...) xx
Thanks girlies - you really made me feel better! I was starting to think I was being unreasonable :/

The update is that her 20 week scan is the day before my due date, so she said that she might be able to claim the name first if Im not early anyway. At this point I just said don't be ridiculous, I'm really not discussing it anymore because I value our friendship too much and don't want to fall out over it! She's never been like this before so I'm hoping its just pregnancy hormones scrambling her brain lol Luckily, she seems to have moved onto other things now, but if either of us are having boys, Im betting it's gonna come up again in July! Either way, I've decided that I'm not budging with the name, and I reckon you're all right when you say she won't copy me if it comes about anyway..

Enjoying the peace while it lasts!! :)
Thanks again!
Your not being unreasonable at all. Stick to your guns hun, your LO is due first xx

Ignore her scan date!! Your baby arrives first and you'd already picked the name. Stick to your guns. Xx
You cannot CLAIM a name! How petty! Think your responce is perfect tho...!!!xxx
Just a thought, but if she continues to be funny about it all, tell her that if she does end up having a boy after you that you don't want her to dress it in blue as that's the colour you'll be using.
Petty I know but it hits the point home about name 'ownership' xx
Just a thought, but if she continues to be funny about it all, tell her that if she does end up having a boy after you that you don't want her to dress it in blue as that's the colour you'll be using.
Petty I know but it hits the point home about name 'ownership' xx

Ha ha, this is brill! I might use this for my friend who said I can't have her girls name! :)

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Totally agree with what everyone else has said - at the end of the day you are due first so stuff her!
When I was pregnant with my first a friend of mine (she was having her second) wanted the same girls name as me, we had words about it and neither of us would budge - we both ended up having boys!
Please dont worry about a situation that may never arise.
I totally agree with everyone else, she's being so silly, especially about the scan too!! It's not worth worrying about something that may never happen, don't let it ruin the last few weeks of your pregnancy hun x x
Just a thought, but if she continues to be funny about it all, tell her that if she does end up having a boy after you that you don't want her to dress it in blue as that's the colour you'll be using.
Petty I know but it hits the point home about name 'ownership' xx

lol! Can imagine her face if I said that! Would definately show her how I feel though!

Thanks all, am gonna try not to worry about it anymore and just enjoy the last bit of pregnancy. I've decided to take a break from her for a little while, just to let things calm down a bit. When July gets here, if she brings it up again, I'll discuss it with her then. Shame its got to this really, but hopefully she'll realise she's being silly!
I think thats a really good idea, hopefully the time away will give her the opportunity to calm down and think it through rationally. I'll be praying for a little girl for her :) xx

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