Mystic toon

Eeeee your a bunch of nosey buggers :rofl: if it comes true I will tell you all xx
I don't think she has posted since the re launch Hun. She is a bnb er through and through xx
I'm a lurker on bnb can't keep up with that site, too huge like lol xx
i just had a look on bnb but got scared and ran back on here
i am a PF convert. I began forum life on BnB and i moved here when it re launched and here i have stayed and will continue to stay. Me loves it here :love: xx
i began my forum life years ago when i was a stroppy teenager :lol: am too scared to go back on there now and see what i used to be like :blush: i do know a mod off there now :lol: but pf is the place to be :love: i love the little community we've got going on here :love:
I too started bnb but it's much nicer over here :love:
baby and bump forum, its huge evie. Not as close and personal as out little community xx

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