
like the taste in music..but if you like lost prophets you must be disgusted at there new album,...whingy emo bleaugh!
ian watkins gave me a black eye you know!!

haha just realised your from of my best mates went uni there i used to visit loads..used to go to welsh bar and embarrass myself on cheap alcohol :)
Hate the new album, what have they all done to their style???
They used to look cute :( now they all have long flopy hair and are loving themselves. My OHs going to see them on saturday :roll: Im guessing hes going to come back with a few broken ribs, hes totaly obsessed with bashing into people. There was me thinking people went to see bands to listen to their music live :roll: lol

*goes to have a sneaky look on your profile* lol :D
yeah thank you the new album is awful..esp that standing on the rooftops crap! yeah my OH is the exact same he cant just watch he has to get a pit going and is not happy till he's bruised and :wall:
You've got one swish profile there hun... like your music... girly after my own heart hehe :D
How did Ian manage to give you a black eye hun?

I used to think he was rather tasty but not now, he just looks well a mess!!
i know he used to be cute..i saw lost prophets at a really small gig (camden palace,feet first if anyones from london) in about 1999 or something (ages ago..i feel old) and its a club night aswell so they have a bit of a club then the band then the club again, well Ian was moshing just before the band went on stage to try and get the crowed a bit riled up for when they came on. i was v drunk and me and my friend were getting a bit violent to a system of a down song..and he accidently headbutted me in the pit..and i got a black eye! hehe
I hope he at least apologised and bought you a drink to say sorry!!!
yeah he was very apologetic..didnt buy me a drink though! lol
Hi girlies, have added you to my friends on myspace!

Liviray, tell your dale I added him too! We got a lot in common i think?! :D

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