My waters have gone! Update 4! Grrrrrrr!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Woke bout an hour ago, bubba was kicking the crap outta me, I couldnt settle. OH woke up and I went to get outta bed to make a cuppa, and GUSH!!!
Thought Id peed, but it was just coming continously. Rang delivery and theyve made an appointment for morning to check me over. Ive had no show, and Ive no pains (YET), but Im shitting myself!!
Bubs has gone quiet so she said to ring back if doesnt pick up, but Ive checked with doppler and can hear heartbeat.

Whats REALLY freaky is all week OH has been saying bubba will come on the 5th and it will all kick off at waters went at 3.50 :shock:

I went on a mad nesting mission in the day so knew something was brewing... :lol:

Im gonna stay home long as possible, but when I go into hozzie I will text Lea and update her on things.

OOf now Im writing this my backs started aching...

Right off to make a brew and have some grub! Cant sleep Im too scared :lol:


Well went in to get assessed, waters definatley gone. MW checked with speculum and I flooded the place :lol: , been swabbed for strep B as a precaution. Was hooked up to CTG and had irregular contractions, so have chosen to come home to wait for it to start properly. The contractions are managable, will put tens on soon. MW has made me an appointment for morning to get checked over should it progress slowly, but she said she thinks I will be in delivery suite in labour tonight! Heres hoping!
Bubs was well behaved, good heartrate and movement. I have to take my temperature every 4 hours to make sure it doesnt rise. So hopefully bubba will either be born tonight or on due date tomorrow!!!

Update 2!

Contractions are around 8-9 minutes apart, lasting round 45 seconds, got me Tens on!! Pain is managable for now :lol:
Trying to sleep as tired, but as I drop off the pain begins! :lol: Not going in until they are around 3-4 minutes, or I just cant take the pain!
Still leaking fluid which is fun!

Update 3!

Sorry, probably boring you all now :lol:
Still having 9ish minute contractions, having the odd bad one, then one thats fine :roll: , Im so bored of this already!
Just doing the tea to pass the time, havent increased my Tens or taken paracetomol yet..being stubborn :D
I cant see bubs coming tonight, think Im in for a long labour, and a looong night. Ah well, I have midwife at 9am, so will see what happens. If there is any quicker progress and I have to rush off, will text Lea.

Update 4

Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh, after 12 hours of contractions, they started to get further apart and now appear to have stopped! :shock:
Ive made OH go to bed to sleep, I cant, Im so frustrated!!
Theres no point in ringing delivery, as they are just waiting for me to get to 4 minutes apart. They were getting stronger and more painful..why would they stop? :think: Suppose I should just wait till my MW appointment now. Bubs is wriggling ok so am not worried. Just annoyed :wall:
OMgoodness goodluck gurlie !! Omg im soooooo excited for you hun, and yay goo psycic OH !! xxx
And there was you saying you didn't think you'd go until the 20th! Looks like you won the race sweetie.

Ooh it's so exciting. Good luck honey I hope it all goes well for you. As your OH is psycic can you ask him if I'll be popping before the 19th!!!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Not long now till your baby is in your arms.
Awwww thanks girls! :hug:

Think I just had my first contraction, I dunno not done this before!!! :lol:
Tightening in belly and then pain in back..sounds like it! :cheer:
Good Luck hun..........sounds like you are going to have your LO in your arms very soon!

Look forward to hearing any updates soon :hug:
Oh my goodness how exciting - hope those pains come thick and fast for you now and before you know it you are holding your LO in your arms.

Good luck :hug:

Jane x
:cheer: yay looks like things might be happening good luck hun :hug: xxxxxxx
Oooh how exciting!! :dance:

I'm sooo jealous! lol!! Good luck!
Thats great hope it works for me to. Brian says that my ill go today to. He said 8:25 not long to wait now :D
youve done well staying at home so long and not panicking! i would have rushed to the hosp knowing me even know i wanna stay at home as long as poss also!!
good luck and i hope lo is with u soon!x
wooohoooooo :clap: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: great news NW - hope you have a wonderful birthing experience honey and can't wait to hear that you've got little one in your arms... chickadee i got everythin crossed for you too darlin :hug: loadsa love Sarah x x x x
Oooh good luck hun!! :cheer: :cheer: I just rushed to get my phone lol!
Oh how exciting! lots of luck :hug:

(if you get the chance in between contractions can you ask your OH when Im going to have mine? :rotfl: )

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