My waters have broken!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Omg I knew something was going on. I had a feeling!!

Just sat here now on my I- phone waiting.

Never had this before. My wasers have either been broke for me or gone mid labour! So I guess it's just a waiting game now.

Hurry up oscar!!:shock:
Just home from being monitered and all ok. They have given me till tomorrow morning before I have to go back.

So bring on the pain .....
Ooooooh yay!!! Come on Oscar x x good luck babe x
Oh wow, hope everything goes smoothly! Keep us updated!! What's with all the queue jumping going on on here!! ;)
OOoo good luck!!!!!! Lets hope he comes before tomorrow morning! :D xx
Right, Im still here and on my proper laptop now!!

Well what a surprise. I knew I wasn't going to be late again just knew it. Just didn't for one minute think I would be 2 weeks early. For a few days I've felt really off. Went to get myself checked out on thursday cos I felt really faint and after all the usual checks and questions the consultant said "I don't think this one will be late" and I thought yea whatever lol"

Last night i just couldn't sleep. It was even worse than usual Ind I had the fan on full blast but felt really disorientated and sweaty. Then at 1.30I felt a little "pop" .....then a trickle and thought "noooo surely not...."
Then a few more trickles....
then a big bh and a gush of all gushes lol.
Goot bored so called the hospital at about 4.30 AND HAD TO GO IN T BE checked.
All was well and they have given me til tmrw am to start off. Heres' hoping.

Shortly after the England game would be good lol x
I woke up this morning with one of those strange 6th sense sorta feelings that SOMEONE must have started over night!! How weird! lol!

Hope he holds out for you until after the game! All the best and keep us updated! :) x
Omg!! How exciting! Good luck Hun, can't wait to hear the updates!
Good luck hun :p I'll be thinking of you.
Here is hoping you have an easy labour. All the best x
look forward to hearin news of little oscars arrival good luck xxxx

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