My tummy has an alien in it!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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What has happened the past few days!? I'm 34+a few and it feels like LO is burying down to Australia already :shock:

Its been so blooming uncomfortable and my tummy feels like it really can't fit anymore in :roll:

I'm feeling the hicuups waaaaay down there now, most movement is below my bellybutton line and its real wriggles and squirms. I get kicks a bit higher but blimey, the action is all going on down there. I honestly feel like I am carting a bowling ball around. It causes me to feel quite sick sometimes.

Turning over in bed is painful and my body pillow is my favourite thing to hug in bed right now.

How soon can/do babies engage? And can you tell if they are doing so? I have lower back ache and it feels like I have a watermelon on my cervix and its not budging :shock:
Sounds like baby is starting to engage. James started to engage at 35 weeks. But he still wasn't completely engaged when I went into labour at 38+4

This one started at 34 weeks, I haven't got the watermelon feeling yet though and most movement is still above my bellybutton. Mines only 1/5 engaged so far, maybe yours has engaged even further :D
muppetmummy said:
This one started at 34 weeks, I haven't got the watermelon feeling yet though and most movement is still above my bellybutton. Mines only 1/5 engaged so far, maybe yours has engaged even further :D

The smiley face on the end of your post there made me laugh. I'm sitting here crossing my legs at the thought LO might be further along down there :shock:

I don't mind if Bump is engaging already, but no appearance till 37 weeks plus thank you :shakehead: :pray: I want my homebirth.

I need to do more on the birthing ball just in case LO is back to back. Mind you I have a scan on Monday so will know more as to where LO is then. By then Bump may have burrowed to freedom though :shock: :rotfl:
Don't worry, first babies can engage early on, but still be overdue. Engaging doesn't really tell you anything about when labour will start.

As mine's my second it's possible Logan could pop in and out of my pelvis a few times before labour starts
I've been feeling the same!

It felt like someone was hanging weight off of my pelvis yesterday! I was sure if i shook she could fall out! Lol.

Saying that she is SO big now that she can have her head buried down there and yet somehow be kicking me everywhere else too, if i didn't know better i'd think she had 8 arms and 12 legs. Lol.
I've been feeling that since about 34 weeks, and its gradually got the point it feels the baby may 'fall out' if i walk around too much!!! :lol:
I was convinced baby must be sooooo engaged, but no.... still only 1/5.
MW said its just usual latter pregnancy grumbles/ pains! :roll: :rotfl:
Mine started dropping around 34/35 weeks. I actually welcomed this as it meant that now I don't get as many kicks to my ribs! I've found it harder work to walk though as I now know what it means to 'waddle'! :rotfl:

In my 34 appointment with a MD she said that my baby has started engaging slightly (meaning? 1/5?). I saw a locum GP at 36 and she wasn't quite sure how far the baby had engaged (in fact she left that column empty on my maternity notes). It's great how confident the health professionals can make us feel - not! :shock:
aww sounds like baby Sherlock is engaging!! bless :D

I wish mine would, I cant bloody breathe and heartburn is just rediculous :rotfl:

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