my Tracker

its an opk i really want to cut my foof off at this stage lol
i wish lol i have no idea why my opks are so strong i had wot i though was af for 2 days i normally have it for at least 6 days i have a very faint line on hpt although you cant see it in the pic. I know im not pregnant. i just feel stuck in limbo all over again. Im now thinking if i am ov should i bd tonight? i think i have gone potty lol xxx
Thats a mad cycle though if you're ov now isn't it? When do you think you last ov'd ? x
i stopped checking when i got neg hpt as i had the hump lol then i got wot i thought was my af so i put my self on a new cycle now its gone only lasted a day and a half. my temps dropped but are rising again. cm isnt favourable for my to ov. I just dont get it Cos i guess MC really fucked my body up (sorry for swearing) xxx
I wish I was a glow worm,
A glow worm's never glum.
'Cos how can you be grumpy
When the sun shines out your bum! :bum::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: i feel better now
I wish I was a glow worm,
A glow worm's never glum.
'Cos how can you be grumpy
When the sun shines out your bum! :bum::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: i feel better now

That's classic made me LOL x
Hope things get sorted for you soon Amy :hugs:
Hahaha i needed a good laugh! i have never wanted af to arrive so much before. i think i will trick hubby into a night of passion before its here lol xxx
I wish I was a glow worm,
A glow worm's never glum.
'Cos how can you be grumpy
When the sun shines out your bum! :bum::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: i feel better now

HAHAHAHA this just made my day! I still havnt have AF since M/C on 20th April. Nothing...... not even a Af pain..... WHATS GOING ON WITH OUR BODIES! I have never used OPK..... might get myself some.... xxx
its good to know im not the only one becky. I did opks thought i ovd thought i had IB then had a BFN. Thought my Af was finally here had a bleed for a day and a half was looking forward to next cycle. now its all haywire again grrr! im not gonna let it get me down PMA all the way xxxx
Im so peed off tonight im sick of waiting for AF I have my pee addiction to sustain you know grrrr!
Hehe! i need to get some more sticks to pee on! Bloody expensive habit!

How you feeling today?

I still having nothing.... felt really low last night as my Oh is away for the next 10 days, so i was just sitting on my own just wishing i was still pregnant. need to snap my self out of that!

Hi hun im ok today my new opks and hpts arrived today so im all stocked up. All i need now is af to kick in properly. I have a few cramps and backache today and am super moody lol so im hoping shes on her way fx i can be back in the game next week. Its poo waiting it out isnt it xxx
Af just arrived i have never been so happy to see her. Im hoping she stays this time but think she will as its very heavy. Now do i go back to cd1? im thinking yes but input would be appreciated xxxx
Cd1 is first day of proper flow. Only you know your cycles well enough to know what that is for you
Yeah i'd say day one today! Happy that your back on track with your cycles now, maybe yours could have a word with mine?!? LOL if only!

I was put out of my misery last cycle when she appeared, I know how you feel xx
thanks ladies im so relieved its all finally over. I will go as cd1. roll on baby making lol xxxxx
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