So I lost the baby over the weekend. I figured it was coming, but I was still holding out hope.
What hurts is I never knew how far along I was, I never had a scan pic and all I have left of the baby is a few pregnancy tests where the 2nd line is beginning to fade already
I'm finding it pretty hard to deal with at the moment. I know lots of you have been where I'm standing. It does get easier doesn't it?
We were trying, but not trying for this baby. It was soon after our baby was born, and we had small issues about the house move at the end of the month etc, and going back to work, if we could afford another baby. But we worked things out and we knew we would be alright. My partner's got a new job which he starts at the end of the month, and things were really looking well. We had so many plans and now they are gone.
It has made us feel that we definatly do want another baby soon. I had so many plans for the baby and the new baby together, with them being so close in age, that are gone now.
I want to get settled into our new house, and then really try again for another one. Am I wrong though? Should I be taking my time, letting my body get used to this? If I do get pregnant soon, it will be three pregnancies in a year. Is that too much? Is it why I lost the baby in the first place that my body isn't ready to look after another baby so soon?
And if I do get pregnant again, what if I loose it as well? I've already lost two babies in my last two pregnancies. Is there something wrong with me?
I was a mess last night. I had a huge row with my DP over our cats. They decided to crap in the bathroom and DP traipsed it all over the place. Swore it wasn't him when it was. Well anyway, he ended up going out and I just cried. I got it into my head that it was my fault. That I lost the baby because I wasn't a good enough mum to the children I have already. And if I can't look after these, then why should I have another one. I sat awake half the night just crying and thinking about what might have been. I also can't remember crying about the twin I lost, so I got myself more worked up because I was thinking it was a sort of punishment because I didn't care about the last baby.
I'm doing better today. I guess I just needed to put my thoughts down into words. And why does everything feel 100x worse at night?
What hurts is I never knew how far along I was, I never had a scan pic and all I have left of the baby is a few pregnancy tests where the 2nd line is beginning to fade already

I'm finding it pretty hard to deal with at the moment. I know lots of you have been where I'm standing. It does get easier doesn't it?
We were trying, but not trying for this baby. It was soon after our baby was born, and we had small issues about the house move at the end of the month etc, and going back to work, if we could afford another baby. But we worked things out and we knew we would be alright. My partner's got a new job which he starts at the end of the month, and things were really looking well. We had so many plans and now they are gone.
It has made us feel that we definatly do want another baby soon. I had so many plans for the baby and the new baby together, with them being so close in age, that are gone now.
I want to get settled into our new house, and then really try again for another one. Am I wrong though? Should I be taking my time, letting my body get used to this? If I do get pregnant soon, it will be three pregnancies in a year. Is that too much? Is it why I lost the baby in the first place that my body isn't ready to look after another baby so soon?
And if I do get pregnant again, what if I loose it as well? I've already lost two babies in my last two pregnancies. Is there something wrong with me?
I was a mess last night. I had a huge row with my DP over our cats. They decided to crap in the bathroom and DP traipsed it all over the place. Swore it wasn't him when it was. Well anyway, he ended up going out and I just cried. I got it into my head that it was my fault. That I lost the baby because I wasn't a good enough mum to the children I have already. And if I can't look after these, then why should I have another one. I sat awake half the night just crying and thinking about what might have been. I also can't remember crying about the twin I lost, so I got myself more worked up because I was thinking it was a sort of punishment because I didn't care about the last baby.
I'm doing better today. I guess I just needed to put my thoughts down into words. And why does everything feel 100x worse at night?