My terrible cycle! please help...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2017
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Hi, basically i have been taking Pregnacare and 1000mg evening primerose oil this cycle, the first cycle i have and i have basically had NO fertile cm. All creamy, and very thick creamy CM as well :(

Is this really because of Pregnacare? or is it the Evening primerose oil? I was only taking supplements to a) improve my egg health if a issue (dont know if it is) and b) to help me get ewcm as i never have any!! baring this in mind is there anything i can take that will help egg health or getting that EWCM for the next cycle? im already ruling myself out of this one just cause been some awful CM this month :(
I find information confusing and feel a little bombarded and just wanna help my body as much as i can!!

my potential plan is to have Cornflakes as a breakfast for all the vitamins it has,
60% D
60% B1
60% B2
60% B3
60% B5
60% B6
60% B12
Folic 120mg
60% Iron
And to have some juice daily for some vitamin C which would be about 80% RDA.
I will also take a 200mg folic supplement.

Heres where im confused..
do i have grapefruit jucie? does it actually help CM? or have any negative impact at all..
do i take a seperate supplement for zinc and magnesium, is it really that important?
do i take coq10?
do i take L-Arginine (something in pregnacare supplement)
or do i take a completely different brand of multivitamin for pregnancy that wont wreck my CM?

Just any help from someone whos been TTC for a while and did something different and got that BFP!!
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Do cornflakes really have that much nutrition? My nutrition lecturer at uni said they're the equivalent of eating cardboard... If you're looking for an easy, healthy breakfast, I'd go for some sugar free muesli, greek yoghurt and some fruit.

Do you have regular periods? Do you usually have CM? How long have you been trying for? Do you do exercise regularly? What's your diet like? Supplements will do more harm than good if they're unnecessary.

Come to think of it - is my first cycle taking Pregnacare and I've been saying I have no fertile CM this month either, maybe there's a link there. Honestly all you NEED is folic acid, I might go back to taking just that. You can get everything else you need from eating a proper balanced diet.
Do cornflakes really have that much nutrition? My nutrition lecturer at uni said they're the equivalent of eating cardboard... If you're looking for an easy, healthy breakfast, I'd go for some sugar free muesli, greek yoghurt and some fruit.

Do you have regular periods? Do you usually have CM? How long have you been trying for? Do you do exercise regularly? What's your diet like? Supplements will do more harm than good if they're unnecessary.

Come to think of it - is my first cycle taking Pregnacare and I've been saying I have no fertile CM this month either, maybe there's a link there. Honestly all you NEED is folic acid, I might go back to taking just that. You can get everything else you need from eating a proper balanced diet.

Hi thanks for your reply! Yes the cornflakes i have state they have that in them. Thats a 60g portion tho so not tiny but i do like me cornflakes! Haha.
Also interesting your CM got crap too from pregnacare kinda sucks! :( Really unhappy its messed up a month of trying for me.
I have decided to do the cornflakes and coq10 70mg, zinc 15mg and folic 200mg and obviously attempt some healthy meals in there too!
Ive read coq10 helps egg quality, zinc apparently a all round very good supplement for fertility and folic is folic! Cornflakes have all tje Bs i need and iron and vitamin D too.. oh ill also be drinking fruit juice daily , 1 glass has some vit c in there
Haha wow, super fortified cornflakes! That's good then. My box of Australian cornflakes is fortified with iron but nothing else.

Yeah, I'm not sure if its the pregnacare or if I'm just having an anovulatory cycle, will be interesting to see what happens if I take it again. Anyway, you don't need EWCM to conceive. Obviously its a big help but as you'll see on here, there are a lot of ladies who don't produce it but still get pregnant. You still could've conceived without it this month :)

Sounds like a good plan. CoQ10 is expensive so I wouldn't take it unless I thought there was a problem with your egg quality, but in that dosage it won't hurt you. You need at least 500mcg folic acid to prevent neural tube defects, so if you're dropping the pregnacare you'll need a higher dose. :)
I've always had regular cycles and CM and since I've started taking pregnacare I've had really bad dizzy spells and irregular cycles - AF coming on CD13 and CD11! I stopped taking them a few days ago and the dizziness has gone. Just going to stick to my regular balanced diet and take some folic acid.

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