My symptoms (4 weeks)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Ok im 4 weeks tomorrow and had 3 positive HPT's.... Im having LOADS of symptoms:

* Feeling sick most of the time!
* Fluttery feeling in tummy / Butterfiles.
* Lots of white creamy cm last week but gone now.
* Hungry alot.
* Thirsty all the time.
* Pains like stretching pains.
* Weeing loads.
* Heartburn.
* Increased sense of smell.
* Very very tired.
* Headaches.
* Constipated.

Is it normal to have this many symptoms this early as with my last pregnancy (failed) I didnt have as many symptoms. My HCG levels also seem to be increasing very quickly looking at the tests ive done. Could this be a sign of twins?
Hey there sweety i have only just started to feel sick myself not sick yet but feeling sick and i have also the stretching pains too i did have a bit of cm but thats kinda worn of now and i seem to have a weird taste in my mouth too i certainly dont remeber having symptoms this early though :? It may well be a sign of twins but couldnt be sure is there any ladies on here thats had twins maybe you could ask them what they were like? Big ((HUGS)) :hug: -xxxx-
Blimey that is a lot of symptoms lol. I only got increased cm and my sense of smell stronger, a few dizzy spells thats it. I'm getting it all now though :D
Im hoping I will have em all now then they wil all go away hehe ;) doubt it though! x
I have had the same sort of thing too hun, the funny feeling in my tummy,Hungry loads!!,Very tired and headaches. It's exciting isn't it xxx Good Luck :D
i had the pains, the weeing a lot (which went after 1st tri but not back with a massive vengeance lol!) and the tiredness. oh, and the nausea of course! i felt sick when i stood up
Hi there.. Im not due on my period (sorry dont know all the codes yet) till sat if i've worked it out right, im on a 32 day'ish cycle myself and im getting all these symtoms already,

* VERY VERY sore breasts
*Fluttery feeling in tummy / Butterfiles.
* feel a bit sick every now and then, quite bad when im in the car...
* Lots of white creamy.
* Hungry alot.
* Increased sense of smell.
* Very very tired.
* Constipated.

Do you think i could be pregnant??
sunshine_gal said:
Hi there.. Im not due on my period (sorry dont know all the codes yet) till sat if i've worked it out right, im on a 32 day'ish cycle myself and im getting all these symtoms already,

* VERY VERY sore breasts
*Fluttery feeling in tummy / Butterfiles.
* feel a bit sick every now and then, quite bad when im in the car...
* Lots of white creamy.
* Hungry alot.
* Increased sense of smell.
* Very very tired.
* Constipated.

Do you think i could be pregnant??

Sounds like u could be hun, I had lots of those symptoms as you can see! Best of luck hun x :cheer:
But its so early and its making me think half of its in my head, all apart from my massive sore boobs that is.. As for being constipated, you could pretty much set yor watch by me, i always went about an hour after getting up and for the last week or so im going three days at a time before i go, really not normal for me... How soon can i test? The first day of my last period was the 8th of May...

Im not sure but i think my chest looks like it has more blue vains on it too and on my breasts.. My husband said the other morning dont your nipples go big when your boobs swell up and i was like where? he said the bit around your nipples i mean... hmmmm... no not normally i said!!!
I had some of these symptoms from 1 week after ovualtion hun, some people do get symptoms very early so u could be one of them!

How long are your cycles normally?
So that means urs AF (period) is due Friday/Sat? Have you any idea when u ovulated hun?
not really but i done the business on the 18/20/22/24 so im hpoing i got it round the right time...

My boobs are normally sore round the time im due on but not this sore.. Oh i dunno maybe it is all in my head
Sounds like ur in with a good chance, symptoms are good too! When do you think u will test? I got a positive 2 days before AF was due but got negs before that.
hehe oops, sorry about that last one..

Oh i dont know, dont want to get my hopes up tho because its most like just my period on its way....
Did you get an implantaion bleed? I had thick white creamy discharge all last week but it seems to have gone now, is that really a sign too? I wish that the signs we're completely different to periods.. hmmm

Thanks for talking to me....x....
maybe you can all help

af was 3 days late this month and i had noticed my cervix got a lot higher.

af was due on the 28, arrived on the 31st, but only lasted for about 40 hours which is unuasual for me as it normally lasts for 4 days.

sat started to feel very wet down below but when i ran to the loo, no blood but lots of cf.(normally after af im dry for about 4 days.)

still like that now.
was sick twice yesterday with dreadfull headache.

my cervix is still very high and soft and producing lots of cf

tested this am but negative..

I'm quite confused



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